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txting and driving


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whenever i see a woman doing that, i give em a good blast on the horn. then she gets startled and smears lipstick all over her face and i lol all the way home.


thanks for the mental image...

Whenever ninjanick sees a girl putting on makeup, he pretends to put makeup on, then pretends to "put it away" and hopes that the driver understands charades...

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lol, I've texted on the bike. Morse Rd. 6am on a Sunday. Just to see if I could.

No other traffic at all.

I can't even get the damn phone out of my pocket while sitting on my bike, let alone hear it ring or feel it vibrate, and then to try and txt as well?...

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How will this even hold up?

It takes me 2 seconds, if that to delete all texts from my phone without even looking down at the screen.

I can text message without even looking down, just as I'm sure a lot of you can type on a computer without looking at what keys you are pressing.

The main problem is people reading text messages, but that's just as bad as looking down on an Ipod finding out what song you want next, or looking at your CD booklet and finding out where the CD you want is.

How many accidents do you think occur when someone was not multi tasking while driving?

I'll text message and drive, but I don't do it on congested roads and during heavy traffic when it's likely that people are to be stopping and starting without warning.

Edited by Radio Flyer
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How will this even hold up?

I imagine it's an easy task to subpeana your cell phone bill/usage to see if you were texting at the time of a ticket.

It takes me 2 seconds, if that to delete all texts from my phone without even looking down at the screen.

can you remove them from your bill, too?

I can text message without even looking down, just as I'm sure a lot of you can type on a computer without looking at what keys you are pressing.

if it's not a distraction to you, and you don't get caught, then i guess it's not going to apply to you.

The main problem is people reading text messages, but that's just as bad as looking down on an Ipod finding out what song you want next, or looking at your CD booklet and finding out where the CD you want is.

agreed, there are other distractions, and their effect is real.

How many accidents do you think occur when someone was not multi tasking while driving?

many, but the risks increase as drivers become more distracted.

I'll text message and drive, but I don't do it on congested roads and during heavy traffic when it's likely that people are to be stopping and starting without warning.

remember this... how are you going to feel if you ARE distracted for a second, and wipeout a guy on a bike...will you feel differently?

I'm not telling you what to do, or calling you a liar or a bad person, I'm just saying that there are people out there that think they can do all this stuff, and drive just fine, but it only takes once for you to be distracted at the exact wrong moment, and someone's life is over.

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Every time you drive an automobile out onto the road you take a risk of being involved in an accident. You may not think about it every day, and every time you get in your car and on your bike, but the risk is always there.

I'm not saying I'm a perfect driver but I pay a lot of attention to what's going on around me. The law would help, and there are the people that let other tasks take over as the most important thing while driving.

For my job I drive around in a car the majority of the day and I have enough people pull out in front of me because they were not paying attention to me for some reason or another.

How can they prove that at that exact second I got in the wreck I was text messaging?

Ex. Send a text at 6:36, then get involved in an accident.

My first instinct is not to look at my clock when I get in a wreck, so how could they prove that that text message resulted in the accident?

I fully understand where the law is coming from, and honestly I'm all for it. If it stops that many more people from texting and driving that's a good thing. Personally I don't think it's going to make much of a difference.

I'll be honest, I'll still text message and drive at some points on the road, and probably always will, just as others will always eat and drive, change songs and drive, or get road head.

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Text on bike? Keep your phone in the bag with the french fries, the burger in the left hand and put the drink on seat between your legs. Burger to mouth then using your now free left hand, flip and text using yer thumb!

Somebody mentioned studies?


Survey says, Reaction time for driver increased by 34.7%, if composing text. Reaction time for someone legally drunk is 12.4%, if you're on weed it's 21%. Handsfree set? Nope, 26.5%. Talking on a hand held phone effects reaction time by 45.9 %

Drifting lanes while reading? 13%. If reading text messages make that a whopping 92%. The drunks and stoners-@ 35%. Female drivers found it harder to stay in lanes than male drivers. Strangely, the study by RAC Foundation, found that ignoring incoming calls had no negative effect on driving what-so-ever. Huh? Imagine that!

Survey by AutoTrader and RAC continues with 45% of drivers (18-24) admitted to texting while driving. Summarizing, research shows, that texting drivers were unable to keep in lane or maintain a safe distance from vehicle in front, and with their reaction time plummeting by 35%. Better reaction times by drunks and stoners. Where are all them indignant 'mothers against' now. I'd bet their lil darlin's all have cell phones.

Rant over, downshift and rush by and distance yourself. ;>P

It's against the law to shoot stoopid people.

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