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This is kinda sick..i'd shoot the guys with the ropes after the zebras


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Uncivilized pricks. That's not a humane way of killing. Spears? That's a suffering death there.

I'm better off not seeing that stuff..haha It's hard not to watch though.

believe it or not.. I could show you one worse.. Skinning dogs alive. Makes you so mad and sad, you wont watch the whole thing.

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well I'm not a huge fan of shooting the elephants and breaking the zebra's legs, but is it possible the african dewds were hunting the deer-type deals for food? with the only weapons they might have available..? :dunno: Or do they have a Bill Goodman's Gun and Knife Show over there in the Serengeti?


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It just blows my mind how many places in Africa are very civilized and then there's tribes! It's 2009! Just amazes me it's still like that in some places. Also, if there isn't laws in those areas either is there? I just figure that because it's all WILD. No? Yes?

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It just blows my mind how many places in Africa are very civilized and then there's tribes! It's 2009! Just amazes me it's still like that in some places. Also, if there isn't laws in those areas either is there? I just figure that because it's all WILD. No? Yes?

:dunno: ionn even know, big guy... I can't call it. But it looked to me like the guys were, like, frantically trying to bring down a deer-like-thingy. They weren't really dressed for hunting either (like the guys at the beginning with their helmets and whatnot). I wonder if the african guys were just trying to feed their... village.. tribe... whatever they got going on over there...

Whew, I'm so glad I'm American. The only thing I have to slaughter is my debit card over at the WalMart.



AAAAA-AAAAAA-AAAVVE! ooohhh, ooohhhh...

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Hey man, spears is all those guys got, and I say it takes some balls to try and take down a fucking hippo or an elephant with fucking spears. Who are we to judge their culture, they've been hunting those animals that way for a really really long time; not the bullshit rope hunting zebras, that's just wrong.

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I wonder what the rest of the story is. I bet it is pretty terrible. The end with the mass grave of humans was pretty telling. They could be practicing scorched earth. dead animals in the water sources, removing all possible food sources.

To be honest, animals being killed doesn't bother me. Some of the footage looks like guys trying to feed their families. Other segments don't look like subsistence hunting.

I would like to know more about the clip before passing judgement. when and where and why.

It is easy to judge with a full belly and a roof over your head.

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Hey man, spears is all those guys got, and I say it takes some balls to try and take down a fucking hippo or an elephant with fucking spears. Who are we to judge their culture, they've been hunting those animals that way for a really really long time; not the bullshit rope hunting zebras, that's just wrong.

I agree.

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I personally don't have a problem with people hunting for food; animals do it too, after all. I do, however, have a problem with unnecessarily cruel methods of hunting- using jeeps with ropes qualifies in my book.

Now, if those guys with the spears were actually hunting for food with the weapons they had available, then I have a problem with the situation but can't fault them. If, on the other hand, some better options existed, then they're assholes.

Still, though, that thing with the zebras clearly illustrates one of the reasons I don't like people.

I can watch 'Faces of Death' while eating spaghetti (and actually did just that on a dare in high school) and be completely unfazed, but watching animals die in unnecessarily cruel ways bothers me quite a lot.

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The guys in Jeeps and with guns were obviously poachers, and some of the other footage with spears even looked like poaching. However as some of you have said, some of the footage looked like legit hunting. I don't know, it may not be humane, but I don't frown on spear hunting in any way shape or form. It may not be as quick and "painless" as hunting with a gun, but it is a hell of a lot more natural. Not really in these situations where its like 20 guys basically hitting the right trigger in Halo over and over again. I mean if a tribe in Africa had like 3 or 4 guys go out and track an animal and hunt it down for food for the whole village, at least using spears puts the the animals on a more even ground with the humans.

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The guys in Jeeps and with guns were obviously poachers, and some of the other footage with spears even looked like poaching. However as some of you have said, some of the footage looked like legit hunting. I don't know, it may not be humane, but I don't frown on spear hunting in any way shape or form. It may not be as quick and "painless" as hunting with a gun, but it is a hell of a lot more natural. Not really in these situations where its like 20 guys basically hitting the right trigger in Halo over and over again. I mean if a tribe in Africa had like 3 or 4 guys go out and track an animal and hunt it down for food for the whole village, at least using spears puts the the animals on a more even ground with the humans.

3-4 guys can't take down big game, not enough ammo. You'd probably need at least ten for a Zebra sized animal.

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