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Coleman Stearns - 2 Piece Rainsuit ($10)


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Ok, so I bought this at Wal-Mart, because A) I needed a rainsuit and B) I'm horribly cheap.

I know a lot of people are of the opinion "you get what you paid for" or "buy it once and be done". Well I'm of this opinion now with a LOT of things, but everytime I find something that I need for super cheap I just can't help but buy.



I wore this home in the rain, downpour style.

No joke, got home, bone dry jacket, and jeans with the exception of the bottom of my jeans. Neckline was a little wet but only right at the top, and thanks to my non-waterproof gloves my hands are prunes and a little of my cuffs.

Seriously folks, I know a lot of you guys are on sport bikes so don't have the space to carry this around, but it is well worth the $10!

That is all, carry on.

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