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I had my bike sitting out in my driveway this afternoon and I look out and see a couple guys walking buy staring at it hardcore. It's a 2005 GSXR, it isn't a Ducati or MV Agusta or anything, but I just brush it off. About 20 minutes ago I look out my window and see a red 98-03 Dodge Durango sitting in my driveway with no lights on, and the driver is just getting back into the vehicle, and sits for a few more minutes. My bike is kept on my fenced in patio, and has a cable lock, so maybe I am just being overly cautious, but I don't want to end up as another statistic. I'm also a bit gun shy as two weeks after my wife and I moved in to our current apartment, we were burglarized.

I'm in the Dublin area, right by Sawmill and Bethel. I made a police report just to be cautious. Se be careful with your bikes, you never know when and where it could happen.

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Scary part is if they really want it they'll be back. Might want to think about pulling it into the apartment at night. Or at least put a motion activated light on the porch to keep unwanted visitors away. F'n theives will steal it one peice at a time if they have to since it's worth more as parts than a whole bike.

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Thats ridiculous! Some balls to sit right in your driveway. I lived in an apartment complex once in NC, the bike theiving was bad in the area, where someone rolled up with a buddy, picked a bike up and put it in the back of a truck. This happened all the time around there. Thats just crazy. People piss me off! Do you have an alarm on your bike?

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+1 on the motion agtivated light, then put a speaker near the door on a few second delay from the light, and record the sound of a shotgun getting racked...

they see the light come on, and hear the shotgun...they will likely move on quickly...

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+1 on the motion agtivated light, then put a speaker near the door on a few second delay from the light, and record the sound of a shotgun getting racked...

they see the light come on, and hear the shotgun...they will likely move on quickly...

Ahhhhhh, the amazing 12ga colon cleanser

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+1 on the motion agtivated light, then put a speaker near the door on a few second delay from the light, and record the sound of a shotgun getting racked...

they see the light come on, and hear the shotgun...they will likely move on quickly...


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No I am actually behind Meijer, closer to Riverside than Sawmill. Right behind friendship village (some call it the graveyard). I think maybe my original post was a bit misleading, but my bike wasn't stolen, I was just really on edge with the events that had happened.

And no, I didn't make my way out there, i don't have a gun to defend myself, and i'm a fat ginger, I would get my ass handed to me.

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Those motion sensor disc locks are pretty loud. Over 100 DB I'm sure. They don't have to be on your rotor either to be armed. Put it under the seat maybe. That way they look, see nothing, move it and SUPRISE BITCHES!!!

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No I am actually behind Meijer, closer to Riverside than Sawmill. Right behind friendship village (some call it the graveyard). I think maybe my original post was a bit misleading, but my bike wasn't stolen, I was just really on edge with the events that had happened.

And no, I didn't make my way out there, i don't have a gun to defend myself, and i'm a fat ginger, I would get my ass handed to me.

I've almost got you pinpointed on google maps, I'll be over later to pick up my new 2005 gsxr :D jk! I bet the only reason your bike wasn't stolen is cause you noticed them, keep watch, and like Jagr said at least buy a xena disc lock alarm. They move your bike and BAMN you hit em with the 125 dB's at 3 a.m. and they'll be skerd away.

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yea i live over at lakeview sq

I use to live there. I hated it.

The car parked in the driveway...I know I'm stating the obvious, but Ohio is one of the few states with a front plate law. Did you get the plate number? Stick a piece of paper by the window or door so if you ever see it again you have something close to write it down with.

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No I am actually behind Meijer, closer to Riverside than Sawmill. Right behind friendship village (some call it the graveyard). I think maybe my original post was a bit misleading, but my bike wasn't stolen, I was just really on edge with the events that had happened.

And no, I didn't make my way out there, i don't have a gun to defend myself, and i'm a fat ginger, I would get my ass handed to me.

This is kinda funny...and kinda sad at the same time. Some may call you a pussy...and try and act all hardcore...and say they would have rushed out and confronted the assholes in your drive way. Me? No....but...i will say this. There's a line...people don't/can't cross. Whether you look like kawi kid (small and short :p) or Brock Lesnar....you gotta man up for valuables (especially bikes...and your home) and DO NOT let anyone put you...or your family in jeopardy.

I'm not saying you should have rushed out there at all...what i'm saying is...learn to defend yourself and your family. Guns and ammo...are a last resort....but your body can be used as a weapon as well...if need be.

Glad nothing happened. Make sure to keep an extra eye on your bike. Maybe have some family, or friend's case your house...and see if they notice anything else suspicious.

Good luck.

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Sounds like some one was doing a little midnight shopping. I moved here from california the first week of july. I drive a 99 tahoe 2 door sport lifter and what not and it was broke into three days after i moved in. Lost an Arai Helmet and all my stereo equipment. I almost moved back to California the next day. lol

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