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Just a heads up


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I hate when people pull up into my driveway for no apparent reason. One time I was woken up at 1am by headlights lighting up my bedroom window. I looked out and saw a blacked out car parking halfway down my driveway (which is 100' long). The car saw me twitching the blinds and backed out of my drive, wheelspinning all the way down the street.

I'd say they were casing the bike. Now that they know what kind of security you are using, change it. They know what equipment they need to bring to actually get away with your bike now (bolt cutters etc). Make it so that equipment isn't enough.

Motion activated lights work good. I'd also get a driveway monitor that alerts inside your place if someone approaches. Example http://www.rewci.com/widralsy.html (I have have good luck with this brand of monitor - Not an endorsement of the vendor)

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This is kinda funny...and kinda sad at the same time. Some may call you a pussy...and try and act all hardcore...and say they would have rushed out and confronted the assholes in your drive way. Me? No....but...i will say this. There's a line...people don't/can't cross. Whether you look like kawi kid (small and short :p) or Brock Lesnar....you gotta man up for valuables (especially bikes...and your home) and DO NOT let anyone put you...or your family in jeopardy.

I'm not saying you should have rushed out there at all...what i'm saying is...learn to defend yourself and your family. Guns and ammo...are a last resort....but your body can be used as a weapon as well...if need be.

Glad nothing happened. Make sure to keep an extra eye on your bike. Maybe have some family, or friend's case your house...and see if they notice anything else suspicious.

Good luck.

+1..... that's why i always have an edged weapon..... you can't take guns everywhere...
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Tractor Supply and wire the electric cattle fence up to it. Just don't forget to unplug it before you go ride (or you may have that Matrix moment). Oh and water area down too-doubles the voltage or was that amps? Uh, so I've heard-just sayin'

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"Evidence suggests thieves operate in teams, using small lengths of scaffolding pole through the wheels of a bike to lift it into the back of a stolen transit van."

Friend of mine said he saw a video of some guys doing this, it took them about 6 second from the time they pulled up to the time they drove away with the bike. An alarm system is worthless because by the time you hear it you only have a few seconds to tackle them. Best way to keep it from being stolen is chain it to something immobile.And a motion detected gatling gun. :D

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Plug!!!!! Plug!!!!! Thanks Jagr! Stop in and get yourself a good lock for that thing man. We can help you out.

In all seriousness go to Vance's and get yourself an 870 Express....the sound of racking one in the chamber is unmistakable and will make any theiving little piece sh*t piss himself and run. This way you're prepared when your new xena disc lock alarm (that you bought at Iron Pony) goes off in the night.

Edited by Iron Pony
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