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Lap timers?


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What kind of lap timers are you guys using? I was looking on sportbike track gear, and saw that they sell a few different setups, one with the transmitter, one with the download software, etc. What all do I need?

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Just the basic lap timer and IR reciever.

I can promise you 98% of the time someone will bring a transmitter.

But this early, you really dont need to worry about lap times but rather putting segments together and making a clean lap. That ~150 dollars could go towards tires or another trackday.

not needed yet i would say IMO. I dont have one and Lizard doesn't even have one (last i remembered).

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Ultra XT lap timer, i wouldnt worry about getting a beacon tho. I would say having a general idea of what times you are doing is very useful, you can figure out where u can pick up some time using split timing, and track ur progression through the season, etc. Even tho the times might not be 100% accurate, I still think theyre beneficial. But if you dont have the correct gear yet, then I'd hold off on the non-necessary stuff.

Why would Lizard have one is a better question......

Edited by exSRAaron
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i have the A* S-MX 5 boots. I bought them for street use, so I want to get a more track-oriented boot. Not sure what I want though. A* S-MX Plus, A* Supertech R ($100 more), some Pumas, or SIDIs. Decisions, decisions.

But, I wasn't going to skimp on boots to get a lap timer. I figured I'd get boots firs anyway.

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smx plus will suit you just fine. its what i have and i LOVE them.

another plus that i found out is i found out a-stars does FREE repairs.

I ripped a zipper from the result of me hitting a wall, thinking i was going to have to pony up some dough to get them fixed i called a-stars up and he said just send them in and they'll repair it for free.

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yeah, that's what I was leaning towards. Seems to be a good boot for the money. I probably should have just gotten them to begin with, and worn them on the street. Oh well. Too late now. I could always sell the S-MX 5s if I never wear them.

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