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Assfault Junkies.... Really???


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So, let's get a few things straight shall we:

First, nobody here on Ohio Riders made that picture. As funny as it is, we cannot take credit for it. I'm pretty sure one of the Sin Cal riders made it. I don't know any of them. Get your facts straight before talking shit. CbrGirl didn't even know that was Brandon's bike or his house until Jess and Brandon said something about it. Look where it's hosted... some dude's PhotoBucket account that lives in California and is on Sin Cal Riders.

rktekbob - You were never banned. You thought your avatar was funny (pic of dude with his head up his ass with "casper" at the bottom), so I PMed you asking what you thought of this avatar:


You read the PM and never replied, nor ever posted anything again on the site. You are not and never were banned. Lying about being banned is pretty sad.

ped - You're not banned either. You were just getting rickrolled. You were spamming the shit out of the board and just generally being an ass. The rickroll thing was removed a while ago. You can visit the site anytime you want.

Jess - We didn't even have anything to do with that picture. You have no problem staying at our house, drinking with us, etc... but sure can't stick up for us and were the first to post that picture on the assfault junkies site trying to stir up shit.

KANATUNA - I don't even know who you are.

Brandon - Who the hell is Emma?

I thought we had this shit squashed a while ago.

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Omg, that wasnt meant to be a bashing about or, i never said anyone on here made it. I figured it had just been copied from another forum but i thought it was hilarious that it was on hre enad that i recognized the house and the bike! Thats why i asked where she got it! Not yelled at her for posting it! On the junkies site everyone misread it and thought i meant that you guys made it so i made a post to clarify!!!!

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Omg, that wasnt meant to be a bashing about or, i never said anyone on here made it. I figured it had just been copied from another forum but i thought it was hilarious that it was on hre enad that i recognized the house and the bike! Thats why i asked where she got it! Not yelled at her for posting it! On the junkies site everyone misread it and thought i meant that you guys made it so i made a post to clarify!!!!

I thought your post here was pretty funny and wasn't inflammatory, was a "haha I know that house!"


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I didnt post it with intention of starting anything. i posted it cuz i thought it was funny and ironic. I like this site and evryone on here. So far there isnt a person from this site thta i have met that i didnt like. i dont want there to be drama between my friends,. thats why i always try to get the junkies to come up there for events and want all of you guys to come to trackdays and parties and go out and have fun. I have nothing against ohioriders over drama or a fued that happened before i even signed up at eitther site..

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I didnt post it with intention of starting anything. i posted it cuz i thought it was funny and ironic. I like this site and evryone on here. So far there isnt a person from this site thta i have met that i didnt like. i dont want there to be drama between my friends,. thats why i always try to get the junkies to come up there for events and want all of you guys to come to trackdays and parties and go out and have fun. I have nothing against ohioriders over drama or a fued that happened before i even signed up at eitther site..

I get it...you posted it to be funny, it was taken seriously, some people talked shit...

it's really not a big deal.

I'm guessing Emma is brandon's kid?...niece?..sister? (not exactly sure how that even got brought up, apparently "vizzle" wanted to start some shit, too?)

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I'm sorry that some of the ding dongs on the junkies site still that arent on here think you all hate them and thats probably why they misinterpreted the fact that the picture is a generic motivational poster that ANYONE in the world could have made but I cannot control how they think. I have told them all time and time again that this is a badass site with a bunch of awesome people that i have hung out with and made a lot of really good friendships with. alot of them have met a few people from here.

and dont worry about bob, he's our special junkie, he thinks he got banned but i've tried explaining that he was not being banned, that he just decided to stir up shit at the time of a random ebattle that has been completely squashed.

And ben, lets not forget the "switzerland" position I was in at the time of the burning shirt ebattle.... I'm am completely nuetral. I will back up Brandon if someone calls him a squid though. He's my best friend and I know damn well he IS(notice the current tense here. what he did before i knew him, i dont care about) not a squid.

Like I said, I'm sorry some people took it the wrong way but if you didnt notice, they didnt even pay attention when I said cbrgrl didnt make the poster but found it. They were getting their panties wadded and preparing for ebattle when there shouldnt even be one.

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I get it...you posted it to be funny, it was taken seriously, some people talked shit...

it's really not a big deal.

I'm guessing Emma is brandon's kid?...niece?..sister? (not exactly sure how that even got brought up, apparently "vizzle" wanted to start some shit, too?)

You haven't seen the demotivational??

Ok I'm kidding, really. I'm kidding.

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also, i'm sure you all realize that we have internet soldiers on our site who sit on a computer all day just waiting for the chance to spring an ebattle. i cant control that they blow shit way out proportion


i'm also really upset now that you all think i would intentionally you guys. especially you, ben and carie. I've always thought you're awesome people, great to hang out with and always appreciated your hospitality.. there is no reason i would think Carie made that poster. I really dont thik she cares enough to do something like. and i'm not stupid enough to not realize that its a MP. anyone can make it. i cant speak for the others but im well aware of that fact... its common sense

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