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correct me if i'm wrong...


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but this means that we're going to spend $9 TRILLION more than we actually have over the next 10 years? How can the gov't EVER criticize any company for financial mismanagement??? When i think about it, it boggles my mind how the gov't can spend this much money and makes me wonder why we ever even care about how much the gov't spends. Why not just have universal health care and pay everything in deficit spending? it's not like we're ever gonna fuckin pay that back. WHy not raise the fuckin minimum wage to $40/hour, funded by the gov't. Who's gonna stop them? no one that's who, so why fuckin care about how indebted the feds are if, in the end, it doesnt mean jack shit how much debt they have?

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And each time you double the amount we print..... its worth half what it used to be........ Its a world market..... everything we buy comes from overseas...... each time our dollar gets de-valued.... products cost us more......

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this is the most updated chart I could find, its through June 18th of 09. Look at how much money we have in circulation now compared to prior to the market really taking a dive in september. I'm sure its more complicated than just printing money but you can't help but think this devalues the dollar and its no wonder why russia, china and brazil are looking for the IMF to carry different currency's than the dollar.


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Thats ridiculous! And just to put this in a small perspective... $9,000,000,000,000 is enough to buy 412,938,747 1098 S's (at $27,795) or 78,809,107 Audi R8's, sexy cars by the way, at a minute $114,200 a piece. Thats insane! Even taking that money and letting it out of an aircraft life leaflets would stimulate the economy better. This is crazy!

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j i knew you'd chime in sooner or later :) , all politics aside, I'm not really sure how you could put positive spin on printing more money? please explain?


Please explain how this is good?

While you're at it, please tell me how the money that was given to the banks in the hopes of loosening credit ended up being spent for those banks to buy other banks, pay huge bonuses, and throw big parties?

Explain to me how unemployment continues to rise, yet the brain trust in Washington says things are getting better.

Actually, pick any one of the three. :rolleyes:

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j i knew you'd chime in sooner or later :) , all politics aside, I'm not really sure how you could put positive spin on printing more money? please explain?

Not really, printing more money isn't the solution. The solution is to get all the other countries to quick dicking around with their economies. China artificially deflates their currency (as it's pegged to the US dollar) and people wonder why there's such a trading deficit.

$9T may seem like a lot, but our country had a GDP of around $14T in 2008. Relatively speaking, individual Americans take on more debt in a mortgage than the entire country has in 'debt'. And this debt is over a 10 year span of time. I'm trying to come up with a better analogy... say you make $60k/yr and buy a $45k car but have 10 years to pay it off, it's kinda sorta like that. Not exactly, but I'm having a hard time explaining it.

The bottom line is that our debt/asset ratio is still < 1. I forget the magic number and I can't find it on the 'net right now (It has to do with the World Bank statistics), but I thought the number was between 30-70% was typical for nations, while some operate on a 110%+ ratio meaning they'll NEVER produce as much as they consume... the US isn't in that boat and I don't think they'll be there in my lifetime.

That's why I roll my eyes at this stuff. People reading numbers and media reports without understanding the intricacies of the global economy. I'm not an expert, but I know nothing is ever as simple as "The US is $9T in debt" - it's WAY WAY WAY more complex than that number leads on, but it does make for good press and get people politically fired up - which is 1/2 the reason they print it.

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I understand that we have a high GDP but roughly 48% of it is government spending, so I think that skews the figure.

side note: have you ever seen a "truth in lending" disclosure when you buy a house? Its amazing how much you pay for a mortgage over 30 years, if you just saved your money with interest you could buy a friggin mansion instead of owning a 3 bedroom ranch.

I think we could definitely help our economy if we fixed the trade deficit, but good luck with that... Also I think if we had a "fair tax" that would entice more businesses to come here and would shift more money to private sector without inhibiting the government funding. But that is a different thread for a different time! Getting ready to read the book on it so maybe I'll start a thread on the fair tax when I'm done :)

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