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Jobs: Is Working Online At Home The Next Gold Rush?

004970ee90b359baa9ff2537948b96ab_002.jpg Posted by Anthony on June 15th, 2009 and filed under Finance. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

logos.jpg article-image.gif Many sites showcase people making as much as $300 a day working online from home on their computer.

Are online jobs the next big thing? For Mary Steadman it sure is. Mary, a mother from Columbus, OH is thriving, in the middle of an economic recession working in the comfort of her own home.

From her website: "I get paid about $25 for every link I post on Google and I get paid every week... I make around $5500 a month right now"

Mary's story is a very familiar one in these tough times. She lost her job as an account rep for a manufacturing company and a few days later her husband also was laid off from his job as part of cutbacks due to the bad economy.

"We knew we had to do something, so we put our heads together and started trying online job opportunities." Mary and her husband Kevin wound up getting caught up in a few quick rich business opportunities that were nothing more than pyramid schemes before finding something that really worked.

"I realized the best thing to do is, instead of hoping that a company that you are looking at is going last, why not go with the biggest, most reputable online company out there? Google!"

Online giant Google is a publicly traded company and is worth an estimated $100 Billion (with a b). The company has pioneered online search and has changed the way we use the internet.

In a matter of weeks Mary and Kevin had a steady stream of income coming in via checks that were wired directly into their checking account. They happened upon a system called "Google Profits" that taught them how to make money posting links online.

is a free course that can teach anyone, regardless of computer skill level to start making money online. It's available for free at
's website.

"We were doing pretty good and then we discovered the real trick to making money. We combined "Google Profits" with another free course called "Ebay Auction Millionaire" that's where we really learned the extra tricks so instead of making a couple of hundred bucks here and there we started maximizing the amount we made. We began to make thousands of dollars online every week!"

For those of you that have seen the 'scammy' sites on the internet that promise you can make millions of dollars online Mary warns that this is not the promise being made here and that most of those sites are false representations of earnings you can make.

"We never tell anyone they'll make millions of dollars, in fact I think this is the ONLY online system that says you probably WON'T make millions, but you can generate a legitimate income from home like I do that replaced my full time job."

Getting started is simple. Following these simple steps below is all you need to do to get started.

Step 1: Get Google Profits, only pay the $0.99 for shipping.

Step 2: Also get Ebay Auction Millionaire. This is key. I think you only pay $1.95 for shipping or something. Start posting those links. Google tracks everything.

Step 3: Follow the directions on Google Profits and Google Biz Kit that shows you how to set up a Google account. They will give you the website links to post. Start posting those links AS SOON as you get them. Remember, google tracks everything and the more of your links that you put out there, the more money will start rolling in.

Associated Links: Google Profits official site

Google Biz Kit official site

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the replies at the bottom make me think yes........

Read Responses for “Is Working Online At Home The Next Gold Rush?”

  1. commentor.jpgDiane says:
    July 10, 2009 at 7:55 am
    I saw this on the news. How lucky is she to have found this opportunity!?!?!
  2. commentor.jpg Marco says:
    July 8, 2009 at 8:33 pm
    The timing of this couldn't be better, my wife and I are struggling too and this could be our answer.
  3. commentor.jpg Mikey says:
    July 6, 2009 at 9:12 pm
    Thanks for the info, just started this 3 weeks ago. I've gotten 2 checks for a total of $1900, pretty cooll.
  4. steve.jpgStephen says:
    July 2, 2009 at 5:52 pm
    Is this for real? I tried one thing and it didn't pan out. I made about $500 a month but that was 2 years ago. I'm going to give this a shot.
  5. commentor.jpgMary says:
    June 27, 2009 at 1:33 pm
    I think this is great and will come in really handy right now. I'm not the best computer user but I think I can post links!!! :)
  6. commentor.jpgDavis says:
    June 24, 2009 at 9:16 pm
    Just a quick notice about this thing. It does work but you have to be able to use a computer at least somewhat. If you can use email, etc. then you'll be fine.
  7. commentor.jpgMom says:
    June 20, 2009 at 11:33 am
    Holy cow Damo! Thanks for posting that screen shot, you just gave me the inspiration I needed. Wow! :-)
  8. commentor.jpgDamo says:
    June 16, 2009 at 2:18 am
    @Thomas, I'm using it now and it's working pretty well actually! I paid a dollar for shipping, got it in a few days, signed up for my Ebay account and have been cranking along ever since. My first week I made a whopping $288 and the second week I doubled that then it kinda snowballed to $300+ a day! I'm gonna grow this puppy as big as I can. Here's a screen shot of my Google stats, my wife is in shock.adsense.gif
  9. commentor.jpgThomas says:
    June 15, 2009 at 11:11 am
    Has anyone tried this yet? Looks promising.
  10. commentor.jpgWanda says:
    June 15, 2009 at 9:58 am
    I just got my first check for $2800.00 from Google! How cool is that it took about 2 weeks for me to get the first check.
  11. commentor.jpgSheila says:
    June 15, 2009 at 9:52 am
    Well, I'm definitely interested... this could be just what I need right now.

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No, it's not a scam, if it's Google payments. Although there are scams related to everything. But a lot of people have trouble getting it going correctly. I think it's mostly referral payments, when people actually buy something after clicking through a link on your website(s). There are millions of websites like that, and I avoid them like the plague.

The ebay stuff is probably talking about drop shipping sales on ebay. Where you don't have to actually have stock and ship it. The champion of drop shipping is Amazon.com

edit: There is no way posting a single link results in a straight up 25 dollar payment. It probably means that link generated 25 dollars over some certain length of time.

Edited by ReconRat
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Recon's right, it's not a scam. But wait there's more. I actually signed up for this to check into it. Hell, for 99¢, why not? Here's why not; You give your credit card to pay for the thing so now they have that. Then they start charging your account around $60 every month unless you cancel. The information is all stuff you already know. It's all tips on how to sell your stuff. eBay, CraigsList, etc.

It's just like the trial offers. Take a tip and save yourself a lot of greif and money and don't ever take the bait. I paid $1.49 shipping for a free sample of this tooth whitening stuff. It came within a week. I never opened it. They waited about 3 weeks before they charged me $85.26. If I had opened it like they'd hoped, I would've had no chance at getting my money back. I was wise to them, I waited and I was lucky.

Also, when you click on these and sign up, you're also signing up for several other companys to charge you for their products. Each one, you have to call and cancel, get a shipping address, return authorization number, pack up the product, send it back with tracking and then wait and wait for your money. Some of them won't even give you the refund until you actually call your bank to create a dispute. To do that, you have to type a letter explaining the problem with all the specifics and send it to the bank.

It's a beautiful scheme. They definitely refund some money, if you can get it from them, but they're legally able to keep a great deal of it. Imagine how many people click on these things because they're linked with a trusted site! And, no matter what sticks and what doesn't, they always keep the 99¢.

Yea.......don't do it

Edited by hue jass
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Then that one was a scam front end for the Google Links stuff. If a person could find the Google stuff at Google, it would be more likely to be not so darn expensive. I guess nothing in life is free anymore. btw, can I borrow your credit card for a bit?

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One more thing. If an internet outfit won't take a check or money order as an option, I'd rather not do business with them. It's also nice to see a physical address and phone numbers for them also. Receiving money in the mail or wired puts them under Federal laws about bank, mail, and wire fraud. There is little protection yet created for "internet fraud". And even when there is some protection, there isn't much enforcement available.

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Thanks guys, I thought that seemed pretty scammy. When I saw all the replies at the end, and all the replys were names and not internet handles, that cemented my suspicions. Like all things in life, if it seems too good to be true, it is......

Sorry they got you Hue, but thanks for sharing your experience.

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I think this is the same thing, I have not heard of google profits but i have heard of google adsense. Here is the website


This does allow you to generate an income, and is not a scam if i remember from the first time I heard about it. What you have to do is create a website that people will visit then every time they click on one of the links on your website that leads to another website you get like some certain small amount of money. If your website is popular and you have a lot of traffic you can over time build up a lot of revenue (like large sites such as www.break.com do). The problem is that you have to create a site that gets a lot of traffic for a very long time, not just a few weeks. Here is the link that describes what adsense is all about for anyone who wants a better explanation of it.


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