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Current National Debt - $11+ TRILLION


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Seriously, who cares? we're never going to pay it. and we're all going to be dead long before it matters...

My thoughts exactly! My kids wont even have to worry about it because it won't even be paid in their lifetime.

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It does matter....

Why Do Debts and Deficits Matter? Americans owing money to one another is not worrisome. But Americans selling public debt to foreign countries, and adding to the debt at a rapid clip, is worrisome. Those who are holding dollar securities must be noticing that the value of these securities has declined seriously.

Meanwhile, U.S. consumers must eventually pay substantially more for imports. That must put an upward pressure on the CPI. We could be back to the 1970s problem of simultaneously rising unemployment and rising inflation, and therefore a rising Misery Index. The U.S. Misery Index hit a high of 22 percent in June 1980. Right now it is down to 5.6 percent.

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It does matter....

Why Do Debts and Deficits Matter? Americans owing money to one another is not worrisome. But Americans selling public debt to foreign countries, and adding to the debt at a rapid clip, is worrisome. Those who are holding dollar securities must be noticing that the value of these securities has declined seriously.

They must not be worried about it since their investment is GROWING...

Worry about it if you want...personally I'm pretty relaxed...you go ahead and raise your blood pressure over every little problem...

Meanwhile, U.S. consumers must eventually pay substantially more for imports. That must put an upward pressure on the CPI. We could be back to the 1970s problem of simultaneously rising unemployment and rising inflation, and therefore a rising Misery Index. The U.S. Misery Index hit a high of 22 percent in June 1980. Right now it is down to 5.6 percent.

So what?

That means AMRICAN MADE products become more competetive...(bad thing?)

there is NO link between the national debt and unemplyment...or national debt and your "misery index"

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you know we have to pay interest on that $11,000,000,000,000 to the people that own the debt.

you realize that the payments we make on only SOME of the interest we owe (that's right, we almost never have enough to cover all of JUST the interest) is one of the largest expenditures of the money the fed gov spends with our tax dollars.

why don't we care? is it because we are arrogant, and frankly, ignorant of the magnitude of this problem? surely not.

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