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you may still get som esilicone.. but after your sanding make sure you wipe it down quite a few times with wax and grease remover.. and pre sanding wiping it down with that and alcohol would be good too

Cool, that sounds do-able. Thanks, man. Maybe I'll go ahead and see if I can get that photoshopping done and get started.

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When I was on the road, I noticed lots of birds orbiting the lot in truckstops picking bugs out of truck grills. I'm too lazy to research seagulls right now, but it could be something similar to that.

Are there any good books about gulls?

I have only personally seen two books about gulls, and they are both out of print. The more scholarly book is Niko Tinbergen's The Herring Gull's World, published by Doubleday in 1967. The other is David Costello's The World of the Gull, published by J. B. Lippincott in 1971.

Can I keep a seagull as a pet?

Although it is an uncommon practice to keep a gull as a pet, it has been known to happen. Some people become quite attached to a particular gull who will come back every year for many years in a row. However, I recommend against keeping gulls as pets, simply because they are really meant to be free and do have a family (flock) to which they belong. It is OK to become attached and welcome a particular gull into your environment, but please do not cage or otherwise inprison it. It would be unfair to the gull and also may be illegal in certain parts of the world.

How do I prevent gulls from hanging around my boat/deck/patio?

There has been great debate about the best way to do this, but so far, no one method has been the great success people have been looking for. You can try things like plastic owls or snakes, but the smart gull will think you've just put out a really fun playtoy. There are some specific products such as JUMPO that warrant a good look. You should also check out an article in Soundings Online. They talk about various ways to get roosting birds away from your boat, and some of the ideas may work in the home environment as well.

How do you tell male gulls from females?

There's no easy way without direct contact with the gull. They both share similar coloring. The only real external visible difference is, females are usually slightly smaller than their male counterparts.

Can seagulls drink salt water?

Yes, seagulls can indeed drink both fresh and salt water. Most animals are unable to do this, but seagulls have a special pair of glands right above their eyes, specifically designed to flush the salt from their systems through openings in the bill. That is why you'll see seagulls near large bodies of water such as the Great Salk Lake where fresh water may be hard to find.

What is the average lifespan of a seagull?

Seagulls live anywhere between 5 to 15 years depending on their environment and predators. The average is probably closer to 7 to 10 years. Some individual gulls have been known to live over 25 years.

How long does it take a seagull egg to hatch?

Seagull eggs are laid and nested two to three at a time, and it takes about 26 days from laying to hatching. It really depends on the gull species. But for herring gulls, the above guideline is fairly accurate.

Do seagulls attack people?

There have been reports of seagulls attacking people. Usually, this is a lone gull and not a group of gulls. A single bird has been known to attack a particular individual over the course of an extended period of time, so perhaps they also hold grudges! Generally, I do not believe that gulls are prone to attacking people, as the reports I have heard have been few and far between. However, any injured bird will attack anyone, so be careful when handling them!

What do seagulls eat?

Seagulls will eat just about anything, from fish to small rodents. You can feed them french fries and pieces of bread, and they know how to break open clams and other shellfish to get to the good parts.

How come I never see baby gulls?

Seagulls are protective of their young, and before six months of age or so, they continue to nest as their parents bring back food, regurgitated for their pleasure. After reaching juvenile age, you'll see these young gulls flying with their adult counterparts. They look similar but are slightly smaller, with a more mottled coloring.

Where do seagulls sleep and/or live?

Seagulls usually live far from predators such as humans. You can find them on offshore and otherwise uninhabited islands. You can also find them in abandoned barns and other large buildings, dumping grounds, sea cliffs, and other remote areas. Gulls are known to sometimes live many miles away from where you see them during the day.

Do seagulls migrate?

Some gulls do migrate, especially ones in the northern parts of the world, such as Alaska. Like other migratory birds, they go south during the winter to where the pickins' are better. The migratory patterns vary widely depending on where they reside in the summer, but they can travel thousands of miles to find better food source

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no, the accord wagon is being built at ELP.. its actually a CUT? a crossover utility vehicle

yeah they will put you wherever they need you

im not sure if they deal with scotts though

so theyre going by the date they were laid off... how far are they? they close to my feb 19 release date?

can u move me up to the top of the list? thanks. haha

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so theyre going by the date they were laid off... how far are they? they close to my feb 19 release date?

can u move me up to the top of the list? thanks. haha

as far as i know they are..

i am just repeating what i was overhearing around here.

if i could bump ya up on the list i would.. i dont even know where the list is lol

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How hard would it be to train a cat to use the toilet?

depends on how much patience you have i guess

Move the cat box so it is right next to the toilet keep it like this for about a day.

Then gradually raise the litter box up by placing phone books (or something similar) under it. Repeat daily until the box is of equal height to the toilet. Whenever you raise the box take a little bit of the litter out of the box. You may need to secure the litter box to the phone books or whatever it's sitting on so that it doesn't move when the cat jumps onto it.

Move the box over 1 inch onto the seat. Repeat daily until the box is directly over the seat. Continue gradually decreasing the amount of litter in the box until there is only a thin layer (less than 1 inch) of it left.

Replace the litter box with a "training box". You have a few different options here, but the important thing to remember is to make sure the "training box" can hold your cat's weight if they step or jump onto it:

Lift the toilet seat and tape a piece of wax paper over the hole so that the toilet looks like a drum. Lower the seat over the wax paper. Add flushable litter.

Lift the toilet seat and tape a bowl or aluminum pan to the edges. Put the seat down so that it holds the bowl in place. (See video below.) Add flushable litter.

Use a commercial training device, sold specifically for this purpose.

Transition into the cat using only the toilet. If using wax paper or an aluminum pan, cut a hole about one inch in diameter in the center and gradually increase the size of the hole until it is almost gone. If you're using a training seat, remove the rings, one at time. This is done to gradually get the cat used to urinating or defecating into water. Simultaneously, no matter which method you're using, reduce the amount of litter so that there is no litter when the paper, bowl, or device is removed.

[edit] TipsIf your cat refuses to use the toilet after you've cut the hole to reveal the water, try cutting the hole at the edge of the wax paper/aluminum pan instead. If you are using an aluminum pan, roll up the edge of the piece you just cut to create a wall (or "dam") to prevent too much litter from falling into the hole.[1]

If when you remove the "training box" the cat seems confused, try sprinkling a little flushable litter into the water to spark his or her memory.[2]

Always, always, always wait until the cat is comfortable with a setup before changing it. Go slow. If you rush the cat, this will not work, and you are more likely to have accidents. Don't ever try to force a cat to do anything that it does not want to do. For example, you should never have to pick up the cat and put it in the litter box or on the "training box". If you must show or force a cat to do something, you've moved too quickly from one stage to the next. Go back to square one.

This will not work with indoor/outdoor cats, as they will probably just learn to hold it rather than deal with this drama.

This will work best if you are home full-time for the duration of the training time.

Flush the toilet after your kitten urinates as some cats are shy to defecate onto urine.

Clean the litter in your training box after each use and sprinkle some catnip in the clean litter.[3]

Try rewarding the kitten with treats after a successful toilet experience to reinforce a good job well done.

[edit] WarningsDo not teach your cat to flush. Although it is possible, once they learn they seem to enjoy it and will do it all the time.

If you don't have a spare toilet, this is going to require much more effort, especially if there are other people living in the house. Everyone will have to move the litter holder each time they want to use the toilet and then put it back the way they found it.

Cats can contract Toxoplasma Gondii and excrete it in their feces in the first 7-10 days of contracting the protozoa. It's not known whether wastewater treatment kills this parasitic protozoa, so if you live near the ocean with sea otters and you know your water treatment facility dumps into the ocean, it is recommended that you do not train your cat to use the toilet.[4]

Kittens like to bury their work so make sure you remove small items from the bathroom. Otherwise your stuffed toy shark may be found swimming in the bowl.

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Yeah, I'm poor folks- I'm not in a position to hire someone like that. I'm talking about streetfighter flat black in a can.

Duct-Tape Customs! For all your broke-ass DIY ratbike needs! :p

Anyway, I mainly just want the shiny to go away. It's kind of embarrassing- makes me feel like some billet-barge Harley. I don't like flashy stuff.

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Yeah, I'm poor folks- I'm not in a position to hire someone like that. I'm talking about streetfighter flat black in a can.

Duct-Tape Customs! For all your broke-ass ratbike needs! :p

its not as expensive as you think.. especiall yif you do the prep work yourself.

seriously, give him a call youll be very surprised

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as far as i know they are..

i am just repeating what i was overhearing around here.

if i could bump ya up on the list i would.. i dont even know where the list is lol

i was on 2nd shift btw. dont know if that matters or not.

i hope they call soon. my unemployment is running low.

no ones asked... so howd u get hut?

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i was on 2nd shift btw. dont know if that matters or not.

i hope they call soon. my unemployment is running low.

no ones asked... so howd u get hut?

umm lieka year ago , neck injury..

obviously form repeatitive motion and cramped spaces, bad ergo...

treated at honda with massage therapy.. did a little light duty stuff nothign big.. still hrut some but i didnt catre kept working.. hurt it aagain.. this time worse pain, go to chiro have a cervical and thorasic strain/sprain..

pain starts to subside some .. i kept workign full duty... then the other day my neck took a shit on me again. today my neck doesnt feel bad at all, but i havent actually worked in like 5 days. i guess i go back to honda monday, but on restrictions.

i guess we will see how thigns go.

im still fighting the workers comp stuff in court

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i was on 2nd shift btw. dont know if that matters or not.

i hope they call soon. my unemployment is running low.

that sucks man...

2nd shift doesnt matter.. youll most likely go back to 2nd though

Edited by Hoblick
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