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2009 MotoGP @ IMS


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I was out at Indy over the weekend and had a great time. Indianapolis is really a city that knows how to host a motorsports event, and I was really pleased to see all the enthusiasm.

I tried to get some decent shots, but Indy isn't as good for photos as some other tracks with all the netting/fencing everwhere, but I tried my best.

I staked out T9 with about a billion others to try and catch the riders during practice. Got some ok shots:



The Doctor:


Hayden - he was pushing so hard all weekend, I was really happy for him to get on the box:


I was fortunate enough to get down into the Pramac Ducati pits. The photos are a little blurry because they made us stand behind a plexi shield while they were working:



Downtown Indy on Saturday night. They closed down several streets and allowed motorcycle parking. There were a ton of people, and we saw some really cool bikes:





Absolutely amazing NCR Hailwood replica. Titanium frame. Sub 300lbs. MSRP ~$125,000:


Saturday warm-up. The lighting was terrible here, but it was really fun watching them come through.





The Kevin Schwanz demo on the Suzuki 500 was awesome. I think he had more fun than anyone though:



The rest are Here if you want to take a look.

Edited by Hailwood
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Thanks for the comments, guys!

Awesome shots! And that hailwood rep. is a beauty :D

I probably stood and stared at that thing for at least 20 minutes. It was just so well done, and as anything from NCR, the fit/finish and attention to detail was just amazing.

They had one of the titanium frames on a display table in the middle of the bikes. I was able to pick it up with one hand easily! It couldn't have weighed more than 10lbs.

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