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So I have a 6 month old Compaq laptop with Vista, lots of ram etc. Bought new, all that bull was running perfect until last weekend.

Anyways, lately when I m on the internet typing, only some of the letters I key show up. It's not lag because they just never show up at all. I have to go back and retype everything.

For instince; Tisis a tes setnce.

That should have read; "This is a test sentence" but that is what came out. I have defragged and am running Avast antivirus which runs all the time and pulses every few mins to update.

I have 0 porn downloaded and only a few songs.

I was thinking of buyin Norton and seeing if that found any viruses just because I do not know much about this Avast stuff my roomie got me.

Anyone have any ideas? Our IS lady said most likely virus from facebook or email....

And if anyone in Cbus thinks they can fix this, I ll pay cuz I hate having a messed up PC.


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Tisis a tes setnce.

That should have read; "This is a test sentence" but that is what came out.

I've heard of this problem, it's very common. You'll be glad to hear that the solution is very simple. Drink plenty of water, get good rest and lay down the drugs! You'll be amazed how quickly your "keyboard problem" will disappear.:p

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So I have a 6 month old Compaq laptop with Vista, lots of ram etc. Bought new, all that bull was running perfect until last weekend.

Anyways, lately when I m on the internet typing, only some of the letters I key show up. It's not lag because they just never show up at all. I have to go back and retype everything.

For instince; Tisis a tes setnce.

That should have read; "This is a test sentence" but that is what came out. I have defragged and am running Avast antivirus which runs all the time and pulses every few mins to update.

I have 0 porn downloaded and only a few songs.

I was thinking of buyin Norton and seeing if that found any viruses just because I do not know much about this Avast stuff my roomie got me.

Anyone have any ideas? Our IS lady said most likely virus from facebook or email....

And if anyone in Cbus thinks they can fix this, I ll pay cuz I hate having a messed up PC.


If you can make it to the OR bike night at Wings and Rings, bring the laptop with you, I'll have a look at it.

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I have 0 porn downloaded

There, I found the problem.

Incidentally, all of my computers use Avast! antivirus and Comodo firewall (when I actually use Windows at all), and I've found they work fairly well.

Really, though, it's probably a keyboard problem (but I'll blame Vista anyway because this thread needs more Linux nerdiness).


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Not sure but turn off those automatic updates and ignore...

Do you really think they want the computer to last and be fast for years?

:lol: yes. that is exactly what they're doing with updates, ruining your computer :nono:

It does sound like a keyboard/hardware issue, not a virus/software problem. Avast is a great anti-virus and no one should have any doubt about using it. I would say it is better than Norton products because it doesn't bogg down your computer and its just as secure. Norton is a resource hog and will slow down your computer significantly. Also, make sure you have automatic updates ON.

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:lol: yes. that is exactly what they're doing with updates, ruining your computer :nono:

i'm tellin ya,,,one day there will be this huge story about a Microsoft computer update scandal.

I only update a certain program if it's needed to run something.

It's all about the moola...

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could be the keyboard connector is loose on the motherboard. Had this happen with a few dells.... as well as the monitor flickering... not sure how the compaqs are put together but for the dells and sonys I have pulled apart it is usually just popping the plastic off from under the monitor - right @ the top of the keyboard and removing a couple of small screws to get the keyboard up .... make sure all connectors are secure ... if not, found problem.. if so ... may have to send it in ... or see if someone has same type laptop without the problem and try their keyboard (since you have it off already).

Vista sucks ... go back to XP or upgrade to Windows 7 .... better yet... download a couple distributions of linux (live cd's) and boot into them to test them out without any modifications to your windows installation.

For you porn freaks .... using a live linux cd is a good way to surf without mucking up your system with viruses.

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Plug a USB keyboard in and see if it types correctly.

Also, try booting in DOS or safe mode, just to see if it types correctly.

Or boot to a boot CD, as that will load other drivers for everything.

The data will help determine what to fix.

I lean toward the bad keyboard or bad connection for the keyboard.

edit: and oh yeah, what Justin said. A good cleaning might just fix it.

Or at least improve it, which says cleaning it is most of the task.

Even if the keyboard has to be removed to be cleaned.

Edited by ReconRat
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aaaaaaaaand, here come the 'nix zealots.


I admitted that I was happily filling the Linux nerd role in my first response to this thread.

I could get all 'angry neckbeard' and fill pages and pages with the numerous but exceedingly dull reasons why Linux is made of awesomesauce, but I'd even get on my own nerves.

(So we can skip the formalities and just pretend that I went all :rant: about Linux vs. Vista for like an hour-- that way I won't lose my nerd card!)


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linux isn't all that great. I don't know why everyone brags on it like it is. no one makes good software,drivers,programs for it. that's it's downfall. I've had just about all flavors of it at one time or another. it just doesn't come close to being complete enough to take windows or mac's place.

until more software etc is available that is. so until that happens, linux will always be something just a very small network of people use.

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True, getting software in Linux can be a pain. But most things run fine in an emulator like WINE (I know, Wine Is Not an Emulator). And my main PC is a dual-boot anyway, for when I have to run something that simply doesn't get along with Linux.

But, for the vast majority of the time, I use the Ubuntu side with no problem. It hasn't blown up on me once, and it does all the things I need it to. Most of my hardware works fine, although I did have to hunt down a program to make my printer work for it. That was a 10-minute headache, nothing major.

My only complaint so far is that it won't let me assign different wallpapers to each of my monitors, so I have to pair them up in one file to get the effect. But that's minor stuff-- Vista used to randomly flip my monitors, or ignore one, usually when I had something important I was working on.

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I stopped dual booting about 2 years ago ... I have an XP VM (vmware or virtualbox) on my system ... can sync my desktop vm to my laptop vm and off I travel ... return from travel, reverse the process...

yeah, yeah ... drivers, games, what-not .... wine and ndiswrapper takes cares of most of what I need from windows. CrossOver Office makes the installation of Windows programs that much easier if you want it. They actually gave it away for free for a day before Bush got out of office.

The only thing I use XP for anymore is Visual Studio development (working on moving to Monodevelop (linux)) and testing crap people send me.

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