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Gas Company Rant...


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That's what they did. Still had to get into the house to install it though.

No more of that crap.

I noticed you said you had Columbia, we will not work with Columbia as they are notoriously terrible as a customer and are even worse with their customers. It is not even worth the hassle to deal with them even when things get slow.

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Maybe I am biased because I work in the oil and gas industry however heating an ohio home in the winter with gas is much more efficient and definitely much cheaper than electric still. In fact lately if you play the variable rate game right, there has been record low pricing in the last 6 years I believe

agreed electric heat is most expensive. i believe it goes heat oil, gas, electric in order of most efficient.

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I have been pretty fed up with Columbia Gas for a long time. 10 years ago, when I was first hired at the fire Dept, I had a newborn and an 8 year old. I was on the budget, but having so many other priorities, we only paid for the amount of gas we used, not the budget amount. Columbia Gas dude comes to the door and tells me I am $400 behind on my budget, and if I did not pay it by 4 that day, the gas would be shut off. So I went and paid the bill. Next month, I had a $400 + credit on my bill. Cocksuckers use your money, and suck up intrest. They came to read the meter and put a remote reader on since I am not here during the day, and they have to get in once a year. Sonofabitch red tagged my water heater and told me I had to put in a chimney liner that costs $500. I told him to suck my balls and get off my property. any more crap from those theives, and I wll be all electric.

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agreed electric heat is most expensive. i believe it goes heat oil, gas, electric in order of most efficient.

Let's not confuse efficiency with cost effective. Gas is by far the most efficient means of heating your home and water.

The caveat is that when your gas furnace kicks on, the blower must kick on as well which is electric.

If the electric heating system (baseboard heat) is installed correctly, electric heat is far more cost effective in the long run. Electric baseboard heaters need to be installed into every room individually, by doing this you gain the ability to only heat the room(s) you intend on occupying. Just can't do that with forced hot air.

P.S. Columbia gas of Ohio sucks MAJOR!!!!!

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Yeah if I didn't have two meetings this morning I would have done that.

Instead, I requested that they call me, I would come home and unlock the house. Since it's like four blocks from my office.

I'm gonna be fucking furious if I don't get a phone call from Columbia.

Happened to me in Cincinnati ( Duke energy). I read the meter and called it in. You can post the reading online as well. Then I called them to ask why they had no problem reading my meter for 2 years and now they can't when nothing has changed. Turned out they hired outside contractors too lazy to look behind the bushes. Haven't had any issues since.. so far.

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