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Near Miss By a Truck and Boat


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Last night around 10:00 while going to see District 9, I was on 33 turning right on Fishinger towards Mill Run on a full green light...as it had been for around a minute...i turned right and all of a sudden i hear tire locked up behind me and i see headlights not 2 feet behind me! No one was behind me or even near the intersection in any direction when i made my turn. This guy had to have been going horrendously over the speed limit for me not to see him, as i check the entire intersection to avoid these kind of things, especially with a passenger.

As I loose my stupor of what just happened I start to get extremely pissed off for damn near becomeing a hood ornament, this guy passes me AND HAS A FUCKING BOAT ON A TRAILER BEHIND HIM :eek::mad:!!!!!!!!!!!! I decide it is better for me not to try and confront this guy as i probably would have done certian things that put me away for a while... anyways i was just grateful that we both had on all of our gear and didn't have to use it...watch your ass and make damn sure you check every intersection..cause you never know who is going to run a red light, over the speed limit, WITH A BOAT ATTACHED TO THEIR TRUCK!!!

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...watch your ass and make damn sure you check every intersection..cause you never know who is going to run a red light, over the speed limit, WITH A BOAT ATTACHED TO THEIR TRUCK!!!

This guy RAN the red light? :eek::wtf:

No fucking way I would have let that sob get away without hearing quite a few choice words from me!

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It would have been a very bad scenario for me....thank God i wasn't carrying lol

My wife always worries that some day I'm gonna get shot cause I almost always let someone know when they have done something stupid. My reasoning is that they NEED to know they fucked up, and if I can embarass them in the process by being loud or honking a horn I do so. This guy that ran the red probably never saw the red, what he did see was you turn in front of him, he probably thinks you cut him off! I can't believe you held back from even sayin anything to him, you have more control then I do!

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wait a second... you were at the red light and made a right turn correct? He was speeding, but had a green?

These details are important... because usually it's the other way around and it's the cage pulling out in front of the speeding biker. It's the cagers fault for not yielding, regardless of speed... so it would still be your fault for not yielding if those were the facts in this case.

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wait a second... you were at the red light and made a right turn correct? He was speeding, but had a green?

These details are important... because usually it's the other way around and it's the cage pulling out in front of the speeding biker. It's the cagers fault for not yielding, regardless of speed... so it would still be your fault for not yielding if those were the facts in this case.

No read it again. He had a "full green light" The truck ran a red.

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