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It's kinda of freaky how the time slows down....I can clearly remember the blue sky, the grass,the blue sky, the grass,as I tumbled down the hill, the pinkie finger getting caught in the chin strap and breaking it(don't ask me how that happened...I am still trying to figure it out)...it's so weird how you can re-live the crash specially on the way back home if you are lucky enough to have any bike left to do so.

I am happy that everything turned out OK aside from some bruises and broken plastic.

I am also sure that this probably will make you a better rider,if not little wiser, just remembering the mistakes that led to your crash.

Good luck ,and hurry up fixing the bike .....winter is just around the corner !!

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Glad to hear you are okay. Dont need another RIP thread. Your "book" was well written, could almost imagine it happening. Is there going to be a movie? lol

The cop is probable reading this thread and saying "I got you now mother f*cker, way to self incriminate." :lol:

Seriously, glad you are okay, thanks to your gear and some luck I'm sure.

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Glad you made it bro! :D

I know what you mean about the slo-mo thing...

riiiiight..it was crazy my man...5 seconds happened in about 30 secs!

Glad you're OK and welcome to the club. Getting indecisive while in the triple digits will bite you in the ass every time!

yeap! We live and we learn.....i'm just glad this time I was able to live so that I could learn...

Welp, the silver lining is that it makes for a good story.

valid point my man....hopefully I won't have any of these types of stories in the future tho!


you also make a valid point my friend...they will be up soon! I promise!

I just got back from a ride with allen(quikaccord) he told me about it before i read the thread. Glad your alright bro. I knew having an afro had to give you alittle extra padding in the helmet! kidding kidding. If you need a hand with the bike at all , let me know.

NO...you're right...the fro helped me wonders...it also adds 3hp did you kno?....If I need help I will get at you my man...it was nice riding w/ you the other day! I hope to do it again soon...

jesus Darius, hope you're alright.

Thx brother....I was a little shaken up for a few days but i'm good now...you are missed Jarvis!

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Glad that you're okay mayne!

thx bro! me too!

Good to see you are ok. We don't need any serious injuries around here.

My point exactly!

:lol: Afro FTW! :trophy:

Glad you're alright D!

Thx my man..hope to get out there soon and ride w/ you!

Kind of feel silly for running now I bet! :lol: All that and there wasn't even a cop!!!

Lemme know if I can help ya out with anything.

Thanks brother...and you're right...all for nothing...I should have just realized that he wasn't gonna catch us...no need to run for 30 miles...lol

glad to hear your alright,,,,,,
glad you are alive

thx brother!

Wow, count your blessings, you've used your luck for the season!

Indeed...i believe I used 1 of my 9 lives...

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Glad you are here to tell us about it and ride another day.

Yeap...that's what i'm saying!

Holy shitbirds, that story is bonkersssss!!! Glad you're OK, though Darius, and I'm so sorry that happened!!

thanks for the condolences...im glad i'm okay too!!!!

It's kinda of freaky how the time slows down....I can clearly remember the blue sky, the grass,the blue sky, the grass,as I tumbled down the hill, the pinkie finger getting caught in the chin strap and breaking it(don't ask me how that happened...I am still trying to figure it out)...it's so weird how you can re-live the crash specially on the way back home if you are lucky enough to have any bike left to do so.

I am happy that everything turned out OK aside from some bruises and broken plastic.

I am also sure that this probably will make you a better rider,if not little wiser, just remembering the mistakes that led to your crash.

Good luck ,and hurry up fixing the bike .....winter is just around the corner !!

Yes..i have learned a lot from that day...and it was so vivid...hard to explain...well i guess not hard to explain..lol..but scary...wild I tell you....thanks for your words of kindness and wisdom!

Glad to hear you are okay. Dont need another RIP thread. Your "book" was well written, could almost imagine it happening. Is there going to be a movie? lol

The cop is probable reading this thread and saying "I got you now mother f*cker, way to self incriminate." :lol:

Seriously, glad you are okay, thanks to your gear and some luck I'm sure.

Damn...hope he's not reading this...lol....and YES....the video release date is scheduled for 1/7/10....I hope you all will be in attendance....and finally..yes..the gear saved my life....won't leave home w/out it!

That is crazy as hell glad your ok!! You must have been high in the air to be thinking wow lol ! Gear sounds like it did the job though!

Exactly...i don't think I could have gotten that high off crack :eek:...i'm also glad the gear held up!


glad your ok broken plastic is ok broken bones suxs

Pics to come soon....and valid point...glad my bones aren't broken...I can always justify getting new plastics riiiiight?

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Glad to hear youre ok man but it sounds like your decision making lacks wisdom. Running from the cops on backroads with limitless variables (grass, gravel, oil, wildlife, other drivers, etc...) sounds like a recipe for disaster. You're definetly lucky not to have come out of this worse.

But then maybe I'm just too cautious...

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