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Devil's Staircase Hillclimb


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but they do sell gallon jugs of beer and it is also fun watching people fall down the hill on their butts trying not to spill their beer

I heard of this and that would be funny. :cool: I'm not interested though because of the crowd. I grew up near Oregonia and never had the drive to go.

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I heard of this and that would be funny. :cool: I'm not interested though because of the crowd. I grew up near Oregonia and never had the drive to go.

Really!!?? The crowd???? You would fit in believe me, Between your mouth and weight class we could lose you in the crowd! Oh wait you riding that Kaw makes all the diffference in the world.:lol: Just punchin back I plan on being in the "crowd"!!Never know nick you might have a good time.

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I'm sure I probably would Angrish, I'm just not interested in the hillclimbing sport. No need to punch back man, I didn't say ALL (100%) that are there are TPT. :p:lol: You would be one that wouldn't be. Since when did you become so sensitive Angrish? :lol: I remember you and I agreeing most of the time in the past.

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I'm sure I probably would Angrish, I'm just not interested in the hillclimbing sport. No need to punch back man, I didn't say ALL (100%) that are there are TPT. :p:lol: You would be one that wouldn't be. Since when did you become so sensitive Angrish? :lol: I remember you and I agreeing most of the time in the past.

We still do I'm just givin you shit!!!And these fukkin court ordered pills I have to take Damn its tuff to get mad anymore!!:rulez::wtf:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was there. That was by far the biggest group of redneck, back woods, trash talkin, harley riders I've ever seen in my life.

I was impressed, however, by the bikes. Who knew you could put a cbr954 motor in a dirtbike frame, extend the swingarm and make a 7.xx second run up a big dirt hill.

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Good times had by all today. The hill climb is an event I would recommend to anyone..... and before you all ask. Yes that is a gallon of beer in Kamran's hand. These people have been doing this for 60 years and apparently have things figured out. THEY SELL GALLONS OF BEER.

yota, did you go? you should have called me or Mike. We drove, you could have ridden with us.




















Edited by vw151
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Wow! Gallon of beer.

Do they give you an empty one to piss in?

Believe you me. I'm no snob. But I would just feel wrong liplocking a plastic gallon jug of beer. :lol:

(in public that is)

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Wow! Gallon of beer.

Do they give you an empty one to piss in?

Believe you me. I'm no snob. But I would just feel wrong liplocking a plastic gallon jug of beer. :lol:

(in public that is)

well, they give you cups too.

as far as pissing goes, we were at the top of the hill that was cleared, but above that there was wooded area. I pissed up there several times.

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