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Im just sitting in a class right now bored, so I figured I'd post something.

So me and my wife just bought out first house. :D Its in grovecity, off Gantz. Were working on fixing it up to our likings and were going to finish moving our crap over hopefully soon.


theres a link if you would like to see it. we ripped down some paneling, ripped up some carpet and are painting. Still got some work to do but, its our house.

The other news is that me and her also took the MSF course. We both learned alot and both passed and got our licenses:wheeliezx10: She managed to get a better score than I did too and likes to put it in my face whenever she gets a chance. :rolleyes:

thats pretty much it, thats all i can think of at the moment.

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So just to revisit boring classes... worst class ever was MacroEconomics 101 at Ohio State. 7 AM in the dead of winter.

I had a rule to never miss class... would walk down there with my roommate. I'd put my jeans over long underwear... full winter coat and sweatshirt. EVERY class... fell sound asleep, worst class ever.

Our TA didn't speak any english and her name was "Ting Ting". C+ woohoo!

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haha. yea sux she got a better score then me.. I would blame it on the bike, but she was on the same kind of bike i was, so Im kinda s.o.l there. But Yea thanx on all the congrats, its been a long process of remodeling, I will be happy when its done and I can relax... Ill put more pix of the "finished" house when its done too.

Back to the boring clas, last friday was the first day I went to that class and I fell asleep. I usually dont fall asleep, but genetics and genes is boring. =p to that class

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