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Sex positions to relieve pain?


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have her on top, with your leg hanging off the side of the bed. she should be able to bounce up and down just long enough for you to fail at pleasing her (OHHH SNAP!)

that, or you can have her lay on her back, and you are standing, but you'll be doing the one legged sprinkler move... except you'll spitting something other than water at the end. that would put more strain on your knee though, since you'll be holding it up, unless you're used to standing and humping while keeping your knee in the air. ever try muay thai?

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use an armless dining room/kitchen table chair. Because there aren't any sides on the chair, her legs can go completely behind you and wrap around the chair. Since you're sitting, all the weight is support by your pelvis/ass and no weight on your legs at all.

The only draw back to this position is that after you heal up, she's still going to want to do it this way.

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Blow jobs cant hurt!!!!! I had a broken arm and leg and was on mass mass pain meds and i just did it... Idk how anyone cant just do it? Get on bike backwards and put feet on back pegs,have her face forward holding the handlbars and make her work for it.

Also is really really fun for not broken people!!!!(make sure rear stand is in place and very very strong!

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