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Sex positions to relieve pain?


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You can still work it forcefully with a gimp-knee. Spooning doesn't have to be all gentle and stuff. If your girl has some decent arms, try this (if she doesn't, do it anyway, she'll get stronger):

1. Lay on side, pillow under bad knee, facing wall about 4 feet away.

2. Get your girl to brace both hands firmly against the wall with elbows slightly bent (and one foot too if she's flexible). Ideally, she should be angled away from you like you're doing doggystyle. Except both laying on your side. This way she can push back from the wall with her arms up over her head.

3. ????

4. Profit!

This only works if you have enough weight/ arm strength to not get pushed off when she shoves from the wall. If you're a little fella, guess you're SOL.


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  JRMMiii said:
You can tag me in for a few months while you recoup. I promise to tag out when you're better.


I'm "The Animal"

I had a limousine service near San Francisco 20 years ago and the NWA was a client. I had these two guys in the limo more than a few times.

What fun those runs were...great tippers also. LOLOLOL

hawk was very articulate and funny....Animal.....NOT SO MUCH :)

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  NightRider said:

We've tried the sitting, reverse and normal. Her butt and legs usually rock on me knee. Doggy...i don't even want to try that, i have to put pressure on the knee lol.

Thanks for the help! Not! Jk. :D


I can see that you haven't read the kama sutra?

Reciprocal Sight Of The Posteriors

Sort of like reverse cowgirl, cept you are sitting. Spread your knees out, and let her do the work....damn! She shouldn't be touching your knees.


Side Saddle Cowgirl, she sorta does a crab walk perpendicular to you, and supports all her weight.

Or try....

The Goat and the Tree

Sounds more like something Fonz would try :D

In all seriousness... nah where would the fun be in that?

Good luck to you young fellow.

Edited by Cdubyah
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