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The Jay Leno Show


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Watched about 5 minutes of it.... Some stupid singing shoeshine skit, & the Seinfeld bit. Jerry's not funny, as I've stated on here before. His supporting cast made the show, and his commercials last year with Bill gates SUCKED.... Which is why they got pulled so quickly.

Jay wasn't even funny last night in his interview with Bob Costas.... Made a couple lame jokes that Bob didn't even give a courtesy laugh to. Looked to me like the Tonight show minus the desk :rolleyes:

I'll probably give it one more try before I write it off completely

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Looks like I'm not alone in my opinion........

Critics slam Leno, viewers tune in by the millions

By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer David Bauder, Ap Television Writer – Tue Sep 15, 7:11 pm ET

NEW YORK – The critics savaged Jay Leno's prime-time experiment. Viewers gave it the biggest audience for an entertainment show since the "American Idol" finale in May. What's next is anybody's guess.

An estimated 18.4 million viewers sampled the first night of "The Jay Leno Show" Monday, Nielsen Media Research said. But the most hyped debut of the fall season had the added advantage of being piggybacked onto one of the country's biggest stories. Leno interviewed Kanye West about why he had interrupted Taylor Swift the night before on the MTV Video Music Awards.

The challenge will be holding on to viewers. Leno's variety show will air five nights a week at 10 p.m., a grand experiment for network television to see if NBC can build a profitable business competing with dramas on its network rivals.

"It's great to launch this innovative new show with such strong initial sampling, but we realize this is just one night and that we're going to build our business in this time period with ratings that will level out over time," said Jeff Gaspin, chairman of NBC Universal Television Entertainment. "Our focus is on developing a consistent comedy viewing habit at 10 p.m. over the long haul."

NBC executives had other reasons to be cautious in their reaction. When Conan O'Brien debuted on the "Tonight" show last spring, NBC described him as the new king of late-night after one week of ratings, only to be embarrassed when O'Brien subsequently slipped behind David Letterman.

It's tough to gauge how much impact West's appearance had on the ratings. The show peaked in viewership during its second quarter-hour, during Jerry Seinfeld's appearance, Nielsen said. Only two other shows have drawn a larger prime-time audience since the summer months, NFL games that aired this past week, Nielsen said.

During his last season hosting "The Tonight Show," Leno averaged 5.2 million viewers to claim the No.1 spot in late-night. But critics — never big fans of Leno — were harsh in their assessment of his new endeavor, finding it not much different from what he had been doing at 11:30 p.m. for 17 years.

Robert Bianco of USA Today slammed it as a "cut-rate, snooze-inducing rehashed bore."

The Associated Press' Frazier Moore identified "the biggest difference between Leno's new show and his old one: With his fade-out at 11 p.m., the local news began."

The Los Angeles Times' Mary McNamara called the show "a strange, shallow puddle of comedy."

"This is the future of television?" she wrote. "This wasn't even a good rendition of television past."

"The future of `The Jay Leno Show' is likely to look almost exactly like `The Tonight Show' past," complained Alessandra Stanley of The New York Times. "So much ink has been devoted to describing how Mr. Leno's new show would depart from his old one that it was startling to see how little difference there was."

Leno found some love on social media sites. One fan wrote on Facebook: "Kanye West may still be the worst musician and person of all time, but the new `Jay Leno Show' was awesome."

Another fan on Twitter conceded that the new Leno was a rehash of the "Tonight" show. "What's wrong with that?" the person wrote. "I love it!"

One viewer tweeted, however, that he wished West had taken Leno's microphone instead of Swift's.

The biggest problem for Leno was that the show wasn't really funny, wrote St. Petersburg Times columnist Eric Deggans. "Who knew that might be the biggest challenge for a guy once known as the King of Late Night Comedy?" he said.


The viewership will start dwindling quickly. Last night & this week is just curiosity

Edited by Fonzie
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Ok...I'll bite........WTF is going on with Jay Leno show??

I use to watch it a lot. He does a monologue and then interviews people. What exactly happened last night that was different??? :dunno:

That was "The Tonight Show..... With Jay Leno"

Formerly Johnny Carson's show

Jay now has his own comedy hour 5 nights a week in the 10pm slot on NBC, starting last night

He's been swearing up & down all summer it was gonna be completely different than the Tonight Show. Only thing I noticed different was the desk was missing...... He still did a sitting interview with Jerry Seinfeld

Edited by Fonzie
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Easily missed news story about Leno giving up the tonight show and starting his own prime time variety show on at 10. Big experiment for channel 4 (NBC) to try and keep the Leno popularity rolling. Last night was it's first run, I missed it in favor of PBS special about the migration patern of the north american snipe. Very interesting as it turns out they are totally nocturnal and only come out to the sound of aqua lung played from a non stereo sound source. There are only two left and they are both males, but they are gay so it's okay. They migrate from Canada three times a year to see all the games that the Bangles have the slightest chance of winning and then fly back to Canada to catch reruns of Bob and Doug McKinzy.

If you read all of this you need to go to sleep earlier and stop watching Craig Ferguson. :D

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Conan took over The Tonight Show now?

What is in Conan's old spot now?

This is strange shit. I never had cable until 2005, so I don't watch FREE channels anymore so I lost touch with what is going on.

I'll help ya out Nick....damn slow kids. I kid, I kid. :)

The Jay Leno Show is on at 10:00pm

The Tonight Show with Conan is on at 11:30pm

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon is on at 12:30am

Also Leno had Robin Williams on last night. He's nuckin futs when hes on...

Again a good show IMO. Guess I missed the only shitty one on Monday??

And just in case you missed it, you can pretty much watch the show online. http://www.thejaylenoshow.com/episode-guide/

Edited by Cdubyah
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Robin Williams is funny regardless of anything ;) I thought the rest of the show was tepid at best

And Nick..... Jimmy Fallon from SNL took over Conan's timeslot..... But the show is completely different.... not Conan's old one. And from the little bit I watched of it over the summer...... It sucked too :D

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Colbert > all other TV personalities

Agreed, He made one hell of a show from nothing. He's a great actor/comedian.

I think NBC made the right move on not signing Jay again. Conan, I like him. His early shows were rough but he pulled through and I like his comedic environment far more.

I'm still hoping Jimmy Fallon will improve his show. He is a funny guy overall but for late night his skits and stuff just don't do it for me.

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