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how long before Israel attacks Iran?


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So the writing is on the wall... and we're worried about "healthcare" that has somehow become our biggest crisis in 50 years?

It looks like the U.N. is trying to create a worse or bad global image of Israel and released this to maybe deter any pre-emptive strikes on Iran because of the world opinion. (not saying that terrible things haven't happened in their conflict, but timing of statement is interesting).


Then you have Israel's prime Minster, Netanyahu supposedly meeting with Putin in secret... announced a few days before Russia signs an arm deal with syria and Iran...

Iran last week made a public statement that they would crush any opposing force that would threaten their nuclear security and announced that in talks with the U.S. they wouldn't stop their nuclear program nor discuss it with the U.S. as previously agreed upon.

And then Putin has ralled against imposing additional sanctions on Iran this week, and come to find out, Russia is helping Iran build a nuclear power plant... (and we wonder why they would use their Veto power on a U.N. resolution against Iran)


I'm just a little concerned because we're too busy bickering about a manufactured healthcare crisis and wasting congressional time censuring a representative for speaking out... when we should be worried about stability in the middle east while we still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan...

Russia is also wanting a bigger Nato role with the increasing deaths in Afghanistan


Here's a WSJ article mentioning similar possibility



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Not soon enough. But all ya'll know my support for Israel :)

Here's when I stopped reading "It accuses Israel of deliberately using "disproportionate force" in the three-week operation in December and January." When we were in Israel one of the soldiers said it very clearly. "How would the US react if Mexico was lobbing missiles into Mexico?" yet the citizens and civilians in Sderot have to run anytime they leave their houses.

"From mid-June 2007 to mid-February 2008, 771 rockets and 857 mortar bombs were fired at Sderot and the western Negev, an average of three or four each a day."

Think about that, every 6 hours Columbus has an air raid siren... how long before people are screaming for us to nuke the terrorists?


Edited by Likwid
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Not soon enough. But all ya'll know my support for Israel :)


I'm not trying to impose fear, I think this is a real possibility, and I tried to cite several articles to give reasoning to my suggestion. Maybe I'm looking into things "too much" but I think it's a possiblity, and with the new administration, I think Israel knows they're on their own now.

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I'm not trying to impose fear, I think this is a real possibility, and I tried to cite several articles to give reasoning to my suggestion. Maybe I'm looking into things "too much" but I think it's a possiblity, and with the new administration, I think Israel knows they're on their own now.

Sorry, I edited my post to put some sources and reasoning, you caught it before I saved.

But Israel will always have the support of the United States, it is the only place in the Middle East we have such a strong ally. Iran, but more importantly, terrorists that are sheltered by a government, will always be a target of the United States and the rest of the free, non Islamic, world.

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Sorry, I edited my post to put some sources and reasoning, you caught it before I saved.

But Israel will always have the support of the United States, it is the only place in the Middle East we have such a strong ally. Iran, but more importantly, terrorists that are sheltered by a government, will always be a target of the United States and the rest of the free, non Islamic, world.

Nice graph, I remember all the rocket attacks in 2006 (I was on my honeymoon in Jamaica in July) and remember Israel bombing the shit out of Lebanon (I think?) in response. I'd be curious to see how the Iranian people would support Ahmadenijad if they were attacked by Israel... because a lot of people didn't support him in the last election because of the sanctions and rising tensions he brought upon the country for their quest for nuclear power/energy.

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Seems I read a lot of history stuff, especially warfare. Including the Middle East.

So there is some historical precedence to judge with.

When will Israel strike at Iran? Oh, probably one to three days before Iran or Syria executes plans to attack Israel...

Somebody I was talking with, was weaseling about Israel defending itself from those rocket attacks. I asked them, what if your neighbor was throwing hand grenades over the fence into your yard? Not a lot, maybe one or three a day. Nobody in your family gets hurt too bad, just little wounds. How long would you put up with it, and what would you do? He didn't answer...

Another thought is what would this country do, if some other country was shooting rockets across our border... yeehah... Never shoot at a cowboy or cowgirl, I'm pretty sure he or she will shoot back.

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Nice graph, I remember all the rocket attacks in 2006 (I was on my honeymoon in Jamaica in July) and remember Israel bombing the shit out of Lebanon (I think?) in response. I'd be curious to see how the Iranian people would support Ahmadenijad if they were attacked by Israel... because a lot of people didn't support him in the last election because of the sanctions and rising tensions he brought upon the country for their quest for nuclear power/energy.

Most of Israel's attacks on foreign soil has been on tunnels that Hamas built.

Our Trip

Ignore the map spot in Gvulot, we were never that close to gaza.

I was in Metula 24 hours before Hamas launched missiles out of Lebanon. The problem is that Israel has become so complacent about being the target of attacks, after 9/11 you couldn't go ANYWHERE without seeing signs, flags, memorial pictures and people talking about it. I spent 14 days in Israel and with the exception of transport helicopters overhead you'd never know there was a war going on.

This soldier died while we were in Israel, flowers ... no people screaming about injustice and demanding we find the murders... complacency...


As far as other "hot zones" this is me standing in front of the West Bank, just over my left shoulder you can see where our guide lives, and just below them, the wall that "keeps the bad guys out".... we're screaming about our border to Mexico, look at how little area there is to patrol here... and people still got through because of tunnels.


We, the world, has become complacent to violence. People are SCREAMING over a journalist publishing the dying picture of a soldier.


Gilad Shalit, captured June 25 2006 at the ripe age of 19, believed to still be alive. We've become complacent to violence around us, having to see a picture that hurts us makes us uncomfortable.

Alright, that's all for my soapbox right now.

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...Think about that, every 6 hours Columbus has an air raid siren... how long before people are screaming for us to nuke the terrorists?

ha, my imagination says half of the population would just go fix it without much asking. The other half would cry about it, saying "don't do that, they are just misunderstood, and have a legitimate claim to blah blah blah".

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Some thoughts...in random order.

The thinking in the intelligence (oxymoron) circles is that Netanyahu met with Putin because of that Russian ship that was 'hijacked'. Reportedly, the ship was carrying russian supplied missiles that were headed for Iran, and it was intercepted by Israel. That's why the meeting was last minute/unannounced. I tend to believe this story..the full details of the who/what/where/when/how about that ship was never discussed. The ship came back home..and that was the end of it. Haven't heard shit from the crew..and the guy that broke the story in Russia had to leave the country because his life was threatened.

I don't have a problem with countries supplying Iran with weapons. I have a problem with Iran using those weapons to kill Americans though. How can I say that? The US is the worlds biggest weapons supplier. We provide weapons to countries and armies that further our agenda. Osama used to be our buddy...don't forget. We can't be everyone's buddy..and In that part of the world, EVERYONE has a neighbor...you HAVE to get along with your neighbor or else you'll constantly be at war. It's easier for us to say 'Fuck you' when our only neighbors are Mexico and Canada. That strategy doesn't work in Europe and Asia. So Iran..buy all the shit you want. You're entitled to defend yourself. Unfortunately, we all know that some of those weapons are being funneled to groups that kill Americans. but you know? We do it too..this country has a history of covert and not so covert compaigns against hostile governments. Who's right? Depends on where you live.

In my worthless opinion, the US would be sadly mistaken if it supported a strike on Iran. Want to talk about WW III? That will be the next thread. See the shitstorm that happened after Iraq? Watch what happens after a strike on Iran. Iran has many many friends...unlike Iraq at the time. If you think about it..Iraq/Saddam was our BIGGEST allie in the reason...they kept Iran in check. Now with Saddam gone..Iran has gained more influence and power and Iraq should be renamed The Iranian Annex. An unprovoked attack on Iran will have world wide consequences.

As far as Palestine/Israel...way too much to get into because I'm tired and should be back in bed. Let's just say that neither side is innocent. I can see things from both points of view...and both sides are going to have to give a little to get a little...or there will never be peace. Both sides have a right to exist....both sides have a right to defend themselves. I wouldn't want a neighbor shooting rockets at me every day and having constant fears of bombs exploding when i went to the ATM...but I also wouldn't want my land illegally seized and settled on and my daily movements and ability to function severly limited either. Both sides need a reality check.

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Nice graph, I remember all the rocket attacks in 2006 (I was on my honeymoon in Jamaica in July) and remember Israel bombing the shit out of Lebanon (I think?) in response. I'd be curious to see how the Iranian people would support Ahmadenijad if they were attacked by Israel... because a lot of people didn't support him in the last election because of the sanctions and rising tensions he brought upon the country for their quest for nuclear power/energy.

An attack by Israel will firmly put the people behind the government. Right now, Israel has not attacked Iran directly. There is a lot of support for being 'non combative' in Iran right now. Ok...fast forward to an unprovoked attack by the 'zionists'. Do you think the people of Iran will say 'See...i told you so? Badddd government....badddddd government!!!" Hell no...they will rally behind the government.

What happened in this county on 9/11? We got behind the President. Everyone did...didn't matter if you voted for him or not.

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Note: Israel GAVE the land for Gaza... after the last land seizure we offered Gaza back to Egypt and they said "hahah your problem now"

If anyone has a complaint of land it's up in the sinai peninsula..

I hear you though, there ARE two sides to the story, I choose to staunchly defend one side, but I'll never loose my perspective on the other side.

One other important note, the civilians in Gaza don't want Hamas there... but they don't want the other terrorist groups instead.

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Note: Israel GAVE the land for Gaza... after the last land seizure we offered Gaza back to Egypt and they said "hahah your problem now"

Very true. Egypt realized this was a problem that they didn't want to deal with. I was speaking more on the West Bank.

If you go back even further in history...Britain, France, the US and Russia have all had a hand in this mess (Egypt included).

A big problem here is that the Arabs and Palestinians have LONG memories..have not forgotten the past...and are not ready for peace (not ALL..but a big chunk). On the Israeli side, Israel is trying crush the memory out of them. Why would they make peace with Israel? Most feel the land was stolen from them. To make peace with that would signal a sign of weakness in their eyes. Israeli's ..like anyone else on this earth..just want to live in peace...but they can't. And the 'acceptance by force' policy will never work..but they are entitled to defend themselves!

It's just really fucked up no matter how you look at it.

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There was a Palestinian brigade ordered to take a hill so they could get better recon info. So they sent a patrol to take the hill.

After several hours, they sent another patrol to see what happened to the first patrol.

After several more hours they sent a brigade to find out what happened to the last two patrols.

A single solder crawled back, he was shot, stabbed, beaten, and horse whipped.

He reported: "There were two of them"


Joke with a point

Israelis are the top toughest fighters in the world, even the Russians are concerned about pissing them off.

CCW is every citizen, kinda like the old days in the USA.

When men were men and women were glad of it.

Or some such stuff

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I'm looking forward to the news coverage of Israel stomping Iran under it's mighty' date=' chosen boot. The Jews don't fuck around once war is declared. They'll fucking kill everyone, and every thing, that gets in their way. It's gonna' be awesome. (not so much for iranians..):wtf:[/quote']

this = truth

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I'm looking forward to the news coverage of Israel stomping Iran under it's mighty' date=' chosen boot. The Jews don't fuck around once war is declared. They'll fucking kill everyone, and every thing, that gets in their way. It's gonna' be awesome. (not so much for iranians..):wtf:[/quote']

:lol: I saw this where netanyahu tells everyone to back Israel's self defense


and then today there's more protests in Iran over their election...

should be interesting :popcorn:

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I'm looking forward to the news coverage of Israel stomping Iran under it's mighty' date=' chosen boot. The Jews don't fuck around once war is declared. They'll fucking kill everyone, and every thing, that gets in their way. It's gonna' be awesome. (not so much for iranians..):wtf:[/quote']

Good luck getting a declaration of war out of them, or anyone for that matter.

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