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Anyone watching The Ultimate Fighter 10?

max power

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anyone? :dunno:

I've seen the first episode and am recording it. My brothers HS buddy, Wes Sims is on the show. I'm rooting for him, but expect him to get his ass kicked. He played football with my little bro at Amanda. I think he graduated in 98.


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Everyone is expecting kimbo to go down, but he is a big puncher and that is all ways dangerous. There is a another big puncher that went all the way to hold the title............. iceman. if he learns a decent amount of ground control and take down defense, I would expect him to be a serious threat. guess we'll see here in a couple of days. but I expect big country to get blasted...... hes a idiot

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If Kimbo learns some grappling and ground skills he could be a dangerous fighter, right now he is a back yard brawler that will get worked in the UFC by just about any real fighter. Roy "Big Country" Nelson held a belt in a company with very little skill so him being a title holder means nothing to me. My guess is these 2 are gonna stand and swing with very little skill and whoever gets the first lucky shot wins, which i think will be kimbo

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I watched the first one...haven't gotten to the second one yet. As much as I love MMA, this is my first season watching the show. I never got my paws around the concept of 'reality' MMA..but I figured why not start now.

Judging from the first show..Rampage sucks as a coach.

Rampage also 'retired'. I guess him and Dana have been going at over the internet for a while..and he 'feels' Dana is trying to hurt his career....and his new found movie career is more lucrative for him. Normally I ride with Rampage..but this time...I don't know. He's sounding like a whiny little bitch.

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Dog "Big Country" all you want, but the guy has more MMA experience and has fought better fighters than Kimbo has. I'm not saying Kimbo can't beat him, but on paper Roy is the better fighter.

that is true, i just think when they fight this week big country will try to box with him, and i think kimbo wins by ko, if he takes kimbo down good chance he wins

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that is true, i just think when they fight this week big country will try to box with him, and i think kimbo wins by ko, if he takes kimbo down good chance he wins

Maybe. I don't get why people think Kimbo is a good striker. He would have to have had a ton of improvement since is last EliteXC fight to even be considered OK.

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I watched the first one... is it on tonight or Wed nights?? I can't remember?? Either way, I can't wait to see Kimbo knock someone out, but on the other hand, can't wait to see Kimbo tap out because his ground game sucks right now!

Should be a good season!!

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I watched the first one...haven't gotten to the second one yet. As much as I love MMA, this is my first season watching the show. I never got my paws around the concept of 'reality' MMA..but I figured why not start now.

Judging from the first show..Rampage sucks as a coach.

Rampage also 'retired'. I guess him and Dana have been going at over the internet for a while..and he 'feels' Dana is trying to hurt his career....and his new found movie career is more lucrative for him. Normally I ride with Rampage..but this time...I don't know. He's sounding like a whiny little bitch.

Missed your post. :(

Rampage sucked his first time as coach too. I think he was brought in purely for entertainment value. MMA, whether people see it or not, is starting to stagnate a little. It's the reason Lesnar was brought in and why we have 3 ex-pro football players on TUF.

+1 For the whiney biatch vote.

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Missed your post. :(

Rampage sucked his first time as coach too. I think he was brought in purely for entertainment value. MMA, whether people see it or not, is starting to stagnate a little. It's the reason Lesnar was brought in and why we have 3 ex-pro football players on TUF.

+1 For the whiney biatch vote.

+1 to everything.

Well, it looks like Rampage vs Evans is NOT happening. I don't know...I think Rampage is assuming his movie career is going to take off...and I just don't see it happening. I can see him crawling back to Zuffa when he's 'one and down' in Hollywood.

MMA is going to go the way of boxing here shortly. There's too much money involved now.

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+1 to everything.

Well, it looks like Rampage vs Evans is NOT happening. I don't know...I think Rampage is assuming his movie career is going to take off...and I just don't see it happening. I can see him crawling back to Zuffa when he's 'one and down' in Hollywood.

MMA is going to go the way of boxing here shortly. There's too much money involved now.

Agree about Rampage crawling back, but I don't think there's too much money involved now. I think it's hit a point where it's growth is going to moderate a bit. There's no way it could continue at the rate it was going. This is the part Dana is probably having problems with. He wants to sustain a pace that's unsustainable and he wants it so much so he's turned to gimmicks. MMA is just settling into a spot that fits the sport. It will continue to grow but that growth needs to slow.

On a semi-related note, we have fights on Oct 10th in Ashville. I'll post up something when I get home.

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Its on wednesday night a 10....... I admit there are a lot of guys that come into the "ultimate fighter" over weight and outta shape. They are winded after the first round and cryn uncle. I didn't think much of several different fighters when they were on UF and they are now very skilled fighters, rashaad being one of them. I hope mma doesnt go the way of boxing........ that is why I am watching mma. I was used to watching such class acts like sugar ray leonard..... which I love "the contender" by the way.

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Rashaad looked like crap when he was first on TUF. That show definitely puts fighters on the path to becoming bigger and better, which makes me think what the hell is wrong with Big Country? He was referring to himself as a "master" and basically refusing to take any direction from any of the coaches. What an ass. Doesn't he realize the opportunity that is in front of him?

I was waiting for this season for the mere fact that Kimbo is on it so he can either step up or shut up. He got his ass kicked before and I hope it happens again on TUF.

One thing I already don't like about this current season is that they didn't have to fight their way into the house. The first fight looked terrible because both fighters were gassed after ONE round. Needless to say the second round was awful to watch. They kept stopping every few seconds to put their hands on their knees. Those were people that probably could have been weeded out if they had to fight their way into the house for the mere fact that they were nowhere near in the shape they should have been.

Anyway, looking forward to the rest of the season!

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So i watched it tonight. I was diappointed in Kimbo's performance. I was pullin for him because he reps my hometown of Miami, but wow he sucked on the ground game. As for big country, he sucked too. He reminded me of the Lesner-Mir fight, only has one move... Terrible match!!!

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They were both bad...but Kimbo was worse. Big surprise.....Kimbo has no ground game. Kimbo had a 3" reach advantage...he should have been working the jab, but instead he wanted to play Mike Tyson's Punch Out. Silly rabbit.

When i watch Kimbo fight...it reminds me of Kevin Randleman and Mark Coleman. When they fight, they immediately revert back to wrestling. No progression or evolution in their fight game at all. Granted, Kimbo is relatively new to MMA....but to be in the TUF? There are plenty other heavyweights around who deserve that chance more than Kimbo. I'm not hating on Kimbo. Actually...out of all the fighters, he probably has the best work ethic and attitude (that I've seen so far). He's just not ready for prime time.

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Kimbo did a very good job defending the first take down. He stahled it for a good 1:30. As pussy as the punches are he didnt defend himself and the ref was forced to call it. They make it look like kimbo will come back from jones getting ill regardless if he does or not kimbo will still got 3 months to train and learn and hit one pay per view. No matter what dana says about allowing or not allowing kimbo in ufc and what he does or doesnt have to do to get into ufc you cant argue with the bottom dollar kimbo-mir, or kimbo-lesnar would bring on payperview

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As much as I detest Dana White, there is no fucking way Kimbo fights Lesnar. Zuffa would be shooting themselves in the foot by letting that match happen. At least Brock had the decency to have a winning record before Zuffa sold out and made him the poster boy. Kimbo has been exposed..more than once...for having -0- ground game.

I don't see Kimbo-Mir/Lesnar being that big of a draw...honestly.

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Kimbo did a very good job defending the first take down. He stahled it for a good 1:30. As pussy as the punches are he didnt defend himself and the ref was forced to call it.

Big Country seems to have found a niche in the getting folks into the crucifix and 'tapping' on their heads.

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