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Terrorists, thought I'd share


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yeah, and?? Are we trying to say that statistically we should not care about terrorism, but instead try to keep cops from killing people? Which I guarantee prefer to kill criminals when there life is in jeopardy? Yep you are eight times more likely to be killed by a cop if you are threatening them or someones life.

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Precisely why I never understood the people who let fear of 'turrsts' (say it out loud) define their entire political/ social worldview.

We should definitely be banning cars, bathtubs, headaches, electricity, and cops before we worry about any angry foreigners. :p

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yeah, and?? Are we trying to say that statistically we should not care about terrorism, but instead try to keep cops from killing people? Which I guarantee prefer to kill criminals when there life is in jeopardy? Yep you are eight times more likely to be killed by a cop if you are threatening them or someones life.

No, but you are precisely outlining WHERE the problem is. The fact that people think we should spend more time fighting terrorism than doing things like fostering health, training police, etc etc etc.

The fact is comparatively things like heart disease, cancer and police brutality should get more attention, money and time than "fighting terrorism".

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I dont believe that poster or whatever the hell it is said "die of police brutality"

If you want to volunteer to go be killed by a terrorist attack because some stupid dumb ignorant motherfucker wants to kill Americans just because feel free.

I guess we should ignore murders and rapists too huh?

The difference is that innocents are murdered compared to when someone dies in a car accident or dies of a disease. I dont believe diseases kill because they have a political, religious, or ideological cause to pursue or gain.

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I'm so tired of all of this bullshit flying around! Most of us have all lost friends or family in this war, I will not let that be in vain and i will go do my part to end this war! Cause it will end someday regardless of what people say!

The actual foot soldiers of the terrorist sects are nothing but brainwashed ignorant people, in largely uneducated areas the only people you have to look to are the tribal leaders and those who promise you a better life. Violence towards Americans will never stop....ever. Someone will always hate us and try to kill us. The determination will be who wants to kill innocents on our own soil and stop at nothing to do so.

Call me a crazy conservative or whatever the hell you want to, but what is the alternative here? Honestly? Do you think they will stop if we leave? Will they stop sending people to their deaths in suicide missions? Will they stop beheading people with a dull sword?

Or will they call it a victory and use it to their advantage to rally supporters around the World and at home...

I know someone is going to say "fear" this and "fear" that but i really dont care...

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Problem is...securing all of our borders would be more of an undertaking than going overseas...not to mention I truly feel like we are protecting people in over there too, hence the reason why I feel like we should be in Darfur or whatever that screwed up place is where they are using machetes to butcher women and children.

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I always come back to what people call me a hypocrite for, I support our troops, I disagree with the war.

I feel we should give our troops anything and everything they need if they are there. But we should get them out of there immediately. I don't care about the spending on this, our troops are not at fault for being there, they need everything and anything to survive and do their job.

But this is not an argument about supporting our troops, it's about what the US is screaming about, everyone is screaming about terrorism and protecting us against it when there are SO many more ways to die.

Why be afraid of flying? You're more likely to die in a car crash. Why get up in arms about AIDS when everyone is dying of Cancer?

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The simple truth is that we (meaning our leaders, and us by extension) are going about things the wrong way. We have a military that is built from the ground up to be the best in the world at one specific job: winning wars against other militaries.

However, when we talk about fighting terrorism, at best we're talking about fighting a group of people with no uniforms, no 'national capitol' that we can claim and say we won-- in essence, none of the things which might define a 'military' as we would commonly think of the word. At worst, we're fighting an idea, a strategy, an ideology.

You know how hard it is to cruise missile an idea? Can't get a target lock for shit.

Put simply, using our military, no matter how good they are, to fight an idea is like using a scalpel to hammer a nail: wrong tool for the job at hand.

But that's what we've been doing since September 12 '01. And the result? We've essentially been playing whack-a-mole with these assholes. Pop one, his cousins/brothers/whoever pop up to avenge him, either by attacking us overtly or by supporting those who do. Sure, we've killed plenty of assholes. But that pesky idea we're actually trying to kill only spreads faster the faster we kill the douchebags thinking it.

Meanwhile, an awful lot of Americans have been killed because we sent them to hammer that nail.

In truth, the only way to kill an idea is to give it no place to live. The easiest way to do that (short of removing all the heads that could hold it) is to fill people's heads with a different idea which is incompatible with the one you don't want around.

These people don't attack us for fun. Many have been misled by their leaders into believing all manner of evil bullshit about us. Some are trying to avenge people that we or our allies have actually killed. Some are just poor, disaffected, uneducated, and angry. Some blame us for the actions of the Israeli government (and incidentally their 'bomb everybody for everything' tactic has worked soooo well for the last 60 years).

I'm not making excuses for them, believe. But you can't address an issue until you know what motivates the other guy. Changing his (meaning the people in that region) behavior means removing or altering those motivations. If we want to not be seen as the bad guy, we need to make ourselves be seen as the good guys.

And yes, I know we have been building schools and hospitals in these places. That's certainly moving in the right direction. But it takes a lot of that kind of thing to outweigh the view of us that the mullahs would portray, and continuing our present course doesn't make it any easier. People always remember the tank rolling down their street more than the guys setting up the clinic.

I don't claim to have all the answers, but it should be obvious to anyone watching that what we've been doing isn't the most effective way to go. Terrorism will never be bombed out of existence. Only changing minds (or more accurately, preventing new minds from changing against us) will stop people from attacking us. And we will only change minds after a major, well thought-out, carefully executed change in our policies and positions.

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I don't think anyone on here is NOT supporting the troops. I do have the question the 'fight them there, instead of over here' mentality. While I agree with pumping as much lead as possible into anyone who wants to kill Americans, I do believe, like Tomcat said, it will never stop...if we continue our current method of operation.

You can't fight religion with weapons. Oh sure, you can wage war WITH weapons in the name of religion, but you can't keep people from believing something so deeply that they would die for it. History has taught us this lesson..over and over again.

How do you stop it? Maybe someone should address the REASON people feel so strongly. Granted, these reasons initially pre-date anyone alive today, but the 'reasons' and beliefs are still perpetuated. Like IP said, stop the funding. Period. Take our troops out of countries where we don't belong. That would be a BIG start. Ask yourself this question, why doesn't any other country have troops on our land? Do you think we'd be happy with that? Probably not..but that goes back to perpetuating the whole 'crusader' role we play in the eyes of some Muslims.

IMHO, we need to stop playing Team America.

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