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Ever had a Chinese Hummer?


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thats old news. like several months old. Penske isn't buying Saturn either FYI

also, Chinese made shit is some of the best in the world, their quality standards are sick, ever wonder why we don't sell them anything? because they don't want it. Ever wonder why we get junk from them, because they don't want it either. All the crap thats made in china thats junk was brought out of the country by a (probably American company/investor) buyer who wanted it built that way, as cheaply as possible, so we'd buy it, because they know we fat ass American's don't give a fuck if our kids are sucking down on lead flavored pacifiers as long as it was only 4 cents at white trash mart, errr i mean walmart. And the truth of the matter is, most Americans don't. if it wasn't for the gubmn't most people wouldn't do a damn thing about it.

Edited by Dweezel
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The H1, which is basically a military HMMWV convertedwith some creature comforts, is the only one worth while, the others are just suburbans and trailblazers basically.

thats exactly all they are.

anyone else find the irony in the fact that we're selling a brand that's for the most part, based on patriotism to the Chinese? Touche salesman?

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finally, theyve been cloning hummers for years, now they can make it look like the real thing!



I think that second one is actually the real deal. They sold a few of the H1s for export to other police and military firms... I could be wrong, but that's so close that I'd wager it to be real.

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I think that second one is actually the real deal. They sold a few of the H1s for export to other police and military firms... I could be wrong, but that's so close that I'd wager it to be real.

You beat me to it, I was gonna say the same thing. Those control arms and springs look legit.

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