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Oct 30th "festivities."


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I live in southeast Dayton, basically Oakwood, and I was wondering how bad cabbage night (or whatever you like to call the night before Halloween, when all the little kid terrorists come out and decide to act more stupid that normal) is around this place? Should I sit outside with paintballs guns loaded and prepared to shoot any kid that even thinks about egging my house or can I sleep soundly knowing that the hellions will be somewhere else?

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Oakwood? :lol: Dude everyone will probably be skipping and being driven around in their parents Bentley. I doubt you have to worry about anything in the richest suburb of Dayton. Multi-million dollar homes all around Oakwood, you probably won't have to worry about much there.

I use to live right on the edge of Oakwood/Kettering border.

It's also called "Beggars" night around here.

Cabbage is a vegetable I like though. :D

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Just head West off of 48 and get lost back in the woods and you'll see. Some are not far off of Far Hills (48).

These are just right off of Far Hills. Winter pics so they suck, but summertime water is flowing down the steps, and it's one sweet home. The pics don't do justice unless you can see all around them.




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