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2010 OR Calendar


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I say we vote on the pics. Just a thought.

Nobody wants to see a flat white CBR with a crooked exhaust. :rolleyes:

What? Imjusayin.

guess mines out, it isn't anything special looking. i thought the exhaust was straight though...lol.

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I was just messin with my dude Cheech. Nothing wrong with his bike. I mean it's not the bikes fault he can't ride. So What I'm trying to say is the bike should have the opportunity to be in our calendar.

And NOV4junkie, I was engaged in sum advenced manuverage at the time of said bank flomp.

Here's another idear. Themed months with multiple pics of different member bikes.

1. Slow Ride. Cruiser month. To include Mean Streaks.

2. Dirty Deeds. Motards, Quads and other dirt deviants.

3. High Maintenance. Obviously Hondas.

4. MarioKart. Ducs and other broken sounding imports.

5. Midget Militia. Pit bikes, minis and those 1/2 size thangs a few of you race.

6. BladeRunners. Well that's quikzx9 and his peeps.

Somebody come up with the rest. That's all I got. ;)

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I say we vote on the pics. Just a thought.

Nobody wants to see a flat white CBR with a crooked exhaust. :rolleyes:

What? Imjusayin.

Oh, you mean like a K1000 that has it's ass so high up in the air you can use it's tail as a headrest?


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Oh, you mean like a K1000 that has it's ass so high up in the air you can use it's tail as a headrest?


I feel sorry for anyone riding a K1000 anyways. Let alone ome messed up like that. ;)

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THANK YOU!! I completely agree with this, and so do many more that just haven't said it. I think it is great that people want to do it, but this needs to be done in a professional manner, especially if you are going to try and sell them to raise money for the site. The calander is going to be a representation of the site, so you don't want to have some old beat up katana or cbr in there just because he paid $25.

So what you're saying is, as a representation of the site, we should only allow bikes you think are worthy? Maybe to some, their bike is awesome. They paid to have their bike in the calendar because they wanted to support the site and they're proud of their bikes. You didn't buy a month, nor a calendar.

Here are the pics from last year's:


I don't see any Katanas at all, nor any beat up CBRs.

As a representation of the site, I would expect to see any type of motorcycle.

Sorry to be a dick, but a whole lot of people who did nothing to help with the calendar sure found time to bitch about it.

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People can make fun of the Katana all they way.... but the day that pic was taken, we went to Hocking. We were on the bikes from daybreak to sunset. By the time we headed home, everyone was complaining about their asses hurting. I felt as if I'd been sitting on a couch all day. That fucker was comfy.

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sweet a motard month me gots a baller one now :)

jbot said its baller so it must be baller

i'm going to get a special stamp and badge made. you have to be specially qualified to judge "baller-ness".

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