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Wtf???? Purdue who????


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Everyone has an off day..but this day was WAY FUCKIN OFF!.

I too was yelling for PRyor to be pulled....He just couldn't do anything right today....but neither could nearly anyone else for OSU on both sides of the ball.

You cant win a game where you turn it over 5 times.

Not gonna happen.

And I don't think Pryor is overrated, he is exactly what they say he is.....a running QB with a decent arm. If he can learn to make quicker decisions and put some zing on the ball with accuracy..he will do fine.

Lets see what they look like the next few weeks...I bet we dont see anywhere near this horrible performance again this year.

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Everyone has an off day..but this day was WAY FUCKIN OFF!.

I too was yelling for PRyor to be pulled....He just couldn't do anything right today....but neither could nearly anyone else for OSU on both sides of the ball.

You cant win a game where you turn it over 5 times.

Not gonna happen.

And I don't think Pryor is overrated, he is exactly what they say he is.....a running QB with a decent arm. If he can learn to make quicker decisions and put some zing on the ball with accuracy..he will do fine.

Lets see what they look like the next few weeks...I bet we dont see anywhere near this horrible performance again this year.

no he sucks;)

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Everyone has an off day..but this day was WAY FUCKIN OFF!.

I too was yelling for PRyor to be pulled....He just couldn't do anything right today....but neither could nearly anyone else for OSU on both sides of the ball.

You cant win a game where you turn it over 5 times.

Not gonna happen.

And I don't think Pryor is overrated, he is exactly what they say he is.....a running QB with a decent arm. If he can learn to make quicker decisions and put some zing on the ball with accuracy..he will do fine.

Lets see what they look like the next few weeks...I bet we dont see anywhere near this horrible performance again this year.

so what you are saying is if he could actually throw the ball and think quickly then he would be a decent quarterback.

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"Sorry to say this, I don't think he's been that good from the get-go," Limbaugh said. "I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the Big Ten. Jim Tressel has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. There is a little hope invested in Pryor, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team."

-Rush Limbaugh

(okay so I creatively edited McNabb with Pryor)

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The only time Tressel had a good season was when he was coaching another coaches' recruits. Take that power away from him. Tell him there are other plays than up the middle. And about that passing...

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heh.... well on another note the UC v USF game was interesting. Winning with backups due to injury ^.^

+1 million...... UC is gonna be a terror this season.... I say if they beat WV and go undefeated in the big east they should play in a BIG bowl game... ( I bet they could beat Florida! Arkansas almost did!)

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....I bet they could beat Florida! Arkansas almost did!)

IF the refs had not gifted Florida with 2 spurious penalties with about 7 mins left in the game - b.s. def. pass interference, then next play a penalty 20 yds from the action (and IT shouldn't have been called), Arkansas wins the game.

Seems like the refs had to do whatever was needed to get Urb, Tim "the second coming", and the rest of the Gators a win.

Just sayin'.

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