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Anyone traveled to Ireland?


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Thanks a TON!!! I'll write this stuff down and start figuring the trip..Thank you!!

No problem.

Don't forget, Northern Ireland uses the British Pound (and Irish Pound) as currency while the rest of Ireland uses the Euro. So you'll need both if you're going through Northern Ireland.

And don't say anything good about the English or England while you're in Northern Ireland....good way to get your ass beat!

Road signs with any reference to England will have been defaced or torn down. All signs referring to the town Londonderry have the "London" portion scratched off, so it just says "derry"'. You are to refer to it as Derry or suffer the wrath of a pissed off Northern Irishman. Ask for directions to "Londonderry" and you'll get an answer like "Never heard of it". And you won't see any signs anywhere for it, either.

Driving and navigation is a real treat as their road signs are weak at best. Make out a list of the towns you'll be going through and just follow the arrows to the next town on your list. Signs don't say "N70 North" or N67 East" - they just say N70 and N67. If it's night or cloudy, you'll have no idea what direction you're going unless you know the name of the next town. Don't use you sense of direction that you use in the USA - it won't work.

But having said that, don;t be afraid to rent a car and just head out looking for shit. You'll get lost, but find more cool shit while you're lost.

Riding a bike on the left side of the road is a piece of cake, I got used to it instantly. Driving a car is a lot different though and takes getting used to. You'll also have a manual transmission on the rental car - damned few automatics anywhere. Not a problem if you drive a manual here but a pain if you don't.

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Oh yeah, I remember Galway, but didn't get to spend much time there. Also, Sligo was said to be nice, with some good golfing, although I don't golf, so I don't care about that part, or know firsthand.

Sligo is nice.

Another area to hit; Wicklow Mountains south of Dublin. Lots of old ruins and history here. Great scenery, too. "mountains" is a bit of a misnomer - more like rolling hills.

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Typical roadsign at a T junction. No real street names or bearings given, just the name of the next town and an arrow. Along with 75 other signs of motels, rtestaurants, attractions, etc....


Hard to read when you're passing by at 45 mph. Just slow down or stop to figure out where you're headed next.

The roads, in general, really suck. Major highways are decent, but anythign else will be bumpy as shit, like the worst State Route you've ever ridden on. Speed limits are around 60 mph, but you'll never be able to go that fast in the country as the roads are so fucked. I could barely do the speed limited on a BMW GS with long travel suspension!

But every town you come into has a speed camera on teh edge of town. You'll also see unmarked roving vans manned by the Garda (Police) with speed cameras in them. Watch yourself!

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