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Just move!


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COLUMBUS, Ohio – Residents of Ohio's capital city are complaining that police officers are telling them to move out if they're fed up with neighborhood crime.

At least two Columbus city council members have heard the complaint.

An aide to Councilwoman Charleta Tavares says she has received more than 20 calls. Councilman Andrew Ginther says if police are making the comments, they're neither acceptable nor appropriate, though he says he believes most officers want to be helpful.

A police spokesman says the department addresses the complaints when it's given the name of an officer.

A police union official says he understands if officers are frustrated with crime. Fraternal Order of Police President Jim Gilbert says: "It's like the OK Corral out there."

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It's sad people feel forced from their homes... and the cops shouldn't be recommending that (even if that's how they truly feel). I'm sure some would move if they could.

I guess the next best thing (since it appears that the officers can't/won't do their jobs) is to muster up enough scratch for a 12ga pump or a good .357 revolver and go at it "OK Corral" style if you're forced into a situation involving crime.

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cops in major cities just basically gave up.

there is just too much crime for them to try. in just one neighborhood here it would take a army of police working 24/7 to stop 60% of drug trafficking.

and the fact they really just don't care.

for example, we had a $400 radio stolen from a car in broad day light at our car lot. we had the lady on camera. it was the same lady that test drove it earlier that day.

we know everything about her, where she lived and everything. (because she gave us her drivers license for a test drive).

we took the video to the police department that was only 1 block from her house. you know what they did? NOTHING. they didn't care at all. they wouldn't go to her house or anything.

and another time my brother got jumped by 4 guys less than 100 yards from 2 cops walking down the sidewalk. and they even looked at them and kept going.

when my brother got free and ran to them yelling for them, they put my brother in handcuffs.

I lost all respect for any cop when I started realizing every time I actually needed them to do the job they are supposed to do, they don't give a shit.

cops are basically useless. if you think about what a cop does 98% of their time is give people speeding tickets for 6 over. and to listen to them tell it they think they are the neighborhood hero:rolleyes: I mean god forbid they actually bust real criminals. instead they bust average people for minor infractions while driving.

Edited by serpentracer
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