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Bonfire pics 2....


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Great shots! Now the rest of the world knows how we roll at the PPP! I'm only claiming two of mine in that picture, the rest are friends, including my two. You guys rock! BTW, Geri from KickStand's is doing some custom artwork on the Pink Helmet for Sunday's FREE cookout. We're bringing the extra cornhole game outside. Loser gotta wear it! Pops has spoken.


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Bring it on Chome. We'll be playing under the lights. Maybe we can wear our matching shirts with a Target on them ):>.

BTW, never played it before, does it score the same as shoes?


Believe it or not, I have played a few different versions of the game.

i grew up in Cincinnati where Cornhole kind of started and we always played 3points in the hole and 1 on the board. But the points from the opossing teams cancel each other out before they add up, i.e. Both teams throw one in the whole and they both miss with all other shots. you would think that each team gets three points. But no, they cancel out so no points are awarded.

Also I have always played you must hit 21 exactly.(Game is played untill one team gets 21 points) If you go over 21 then your score is knocked back down the 13. Thats how I have played but some other people argue that you go back to 15 or 10. Not sure not the official numbers but this is just how I have always played. I'm gonna try to make it out sunday this time too. I can explain more for ya Pops if need be. See ya there...


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Cornhulio has spoken. Those are the rules we'll play by. Oh yeah, Chrome, whattya say we step out of the line dance and have our own little waltz? Pretty sure your partner, Clutch, is the one that carried you into victory lane.

Ha ha ha.....I can be such a jerrrk!

BTW all. I just commited to the owner of Kickstand's to cook every Sunday for the month of Sept. He said if I'd do that, he'd put CoolCookout Every Sunday Hosted by OhioRiders.net on his website. He also thanked me for bringing you all in.


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