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Just plain old bitching...


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...about work...

13 days in a row of 10-12 hour days, because one person has to go to Renaissance Festival and can't finish upgrades, another is almost competent enough to keep up with the workload (but not quite), and the last is someone who is a bigger Drama Queen than anyone I've ever met(including schmucks on OR who get Flamed) and drinks more than I do.

I'm f&%$#@ing tired of covering their asses, and my direct Supervisor's ass.

The Director asked me "Why are you sending emails from home at such odd hours?", so now, I am letting him know the truth, that I am sending them from my damn office, because my boss is too much of a pussy to man up and tell the truth. Mr. Ed is the one carrying the weight of a 5 person DBA team...supporting 60K+ users....


Let the shitstorm of ass covering begin....assholes.

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It seems to be the status quo. 2 and a half of mine held down ops for the entire Summer. Not counting absences.... argh

That should have been 5 or more employees.

There were many days I supported ops alone, with one part timer.

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It was easier working with Casper. He and I knew we could hand work off, and if there was a problem, we took care of it. We also could count on one another to do our shit, get it done, so we could go drink(at least, I would drink...:drink:).

I hate to sound misogynistic, but my team is all women. I'm not sexist, but there comes a time to "Man Up" and do the damn job you were hired to do.

Texas A&M pays a shitload more than I made at Columbus State. I am in the same payscale that I was making as a consultant at Compuware. In fact, it's more than I was making when I started at Compuware, and two of the "problems" are making more than I am! And I've got twice the experience! They've just been here longer....which means they can't get a job elsewhere...


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feel your pain buddy one of our drivers destroyed one of our semis and now that means i have to pick up the extra work. so i have worked about 60 hours this week alone. guess that is the shitty part about having your last name on the side of the truck.

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