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Price quote?


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Im in the Louisville Area, so I'd have to ship it, but anyway. .

I've got an 03 R6 (blue) tail fairing that I might be interested in having resprayed to the factory color.

Fell over in the garage and lightly scuffed the edge, and put about a 1" crack on the bottom.

Can I get a price quote for fixing the crack and respraying?

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Im in the Louisville Area, so I'd have to ship it, but anyway. .

I've got an 03 R6 (blue) tail fairing that I might be interested in having resprayed to the factory color.

Fell over in the garage and lightly scuffed the edge, and put about a 1" crack on the bottom.

Can I get a price quote for fixing the crack and respraying?

Best if you pm Paul Finn his screen name is Attack Painter on the board he has painted my bike and car. He has also done work for many others here. Hope that helps!

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