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I am jealous of my puppy


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After finding out that his leg was broke the vet said we had to keep him from playing and running around (yea right)until the leg heals,We have to carry a growing pup up and down our steps so he can shit and piss outside, So anyways he woke up today and was ready to go, So we called the vet and he gave us some sedutives for him, So we got home from work and gave him one and about 45 minutes later he was in LaLa land sleeping like a newborn baby, Shit I have not slept like that in so long I can't remember, But the good news is he will be like new in about 4 more weeks.

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Sleep? WHat's that?

The last time I slept well was when I had the flu last month, and that doesn't count because I was still tired after about 3 days straight of little more than sleep. Took 2 more days to get to where I could go to work.

What kind of dog? (this EASILY gould have been another "OG" thread, and legit at the same time....)

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i've been doing that for the past 3 weeks. granted mine is a 5lb Yorkie. lol our 150lb Rott jumped on top of him as he got out of the truck. bad day there buddy.

my regular vet said he needed an orthopedic vet, they wanted $5000 to fix him or $3900 just to cut it off. i said fuck you, called the original vet and she said, oh hell no, so she fixed him for $500. he broke the top bone, bottom bone and the elbow joint. he will probably walk with a limp now. gives him character. lol

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I know a guy that has a 3-legged dog. No, it's not a hind leg missing, he has to pee like a female dog. The interesting thing is how fast that dog can run!

Ya know Curby, that incident has some major humor potential, if you had video, and it didn't injure the little guy so badly.

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I know a guy that has a 3-legged dog. No, it's not a hind leg missing, he has to pee like a female dog. The interesting thing is how fast that dog can run!

Ya know Curby, that incident has some major humor potential, if you had video, and it didn't injure the little guy so badly.

My male dog has 4 legs and squats to pee. I think he is gay, in more ways than that.

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the wife was taking them both to the groomer. the Rott gets excited when he goes. well, he got to excited and when she opened the door, the Yorkie was on her lap, the Rott, pushed him out and then jumped on him. She said it sounded disturbing and then the yorkie screamed and cried till they gave him some meds 6 hours later.

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