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Driving down to Florida


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I'm driving a truck full of my parents shit to Florida instead of just enjoying a short break from my shop.

Originally, I intended to leave Thurs-Friday, hop on a plane with the gf and land at west palm beach to meet with my sister and her husband, hang out for the weekend, and head back late monday on the return flight.

Now, since I am basically Jesus fucking Christ, I'm driving the truck down starting thursday (hopefully to get there by friday) unload a bunch of shit at the house, pick up my gf, my sister and her husband at the airport, use the truck to get us around Florida while we go whereever it is we're going, and then drive back early Monday.

Anyways, the point of this thread is: what the hell should I do while I'm down there? We're going to be loafing around FL anywhere between west palm beach and Key West. Anything I should do on the drive down? I'll be driving through VA, WV, NC, SC, GA (I have to unstrap the gun in GA... boo!)

The only nice part about all this is that I'll have the dog with me since I'm not flying. My own gf was too much of a haughty biatch to make the drive down with me, so now I'm going to string her along til she realizes I'm not going to marry her. Just kidding. But no, srsly. Fuck getting married.

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the truck bed will have a couch and tables and chairs and crap, so there wont be room for a bike, unfortunately. I could have an "unfortunate" accident and dump the couch somewhere for a couple bucks, but that would be very un-Jesus fucking Christ-like of me.

I'm downloading a weeks worth of audiobooks as we speak, so I have something intelligent to listen to on the way down. If Pauly tags along, I'm going to need at least 2 weeks worth. lol let me know what you're scheming IP.

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jbot, you might not need those books on tape. IP is trying to provide you with some different kind of entertainment.
Sooooo... is that a "yes"? :lol:

ya srsly, don't try to push the heat off on me. you're the one who offered to ride IP's couch all the way to florida, you're gonna have to deal with the consequences of getting him all riled up.


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so i'm trying to decide if i want to drive down tonight or tomorrow night.

the deciding factor is, I bought a gun from a guy in Michigan (Walther PPS in .40sw) and am waiting for the guy to ship it to my FFL. Apparently, he's not technically a Michigan resident, so the FFL he went to was trying to figure out if he can ship it to my FFL legally.

Then I looked up info on the ATF site and it looked like he could just ship the damn thing directly to my FFL without going through another FFL.

I tried to relay all this info to him, but he hasn't responded to my emails (don't have his phone number) and if my FFL is to get the gun by tomorrow morning (so i can get there, do the NICS check and be on my way, still on time), he needs to take it to fedex tonight, and ship it overnight (you have to ship it overnight regardless).

But unfortunately, he's not responding to my emails, and now I'm wondering if I should pull the funds back. He's already sold a FN 57, presumably to someone in a different state, so I'm wondering why this is such a hassle even if he is going through an FFL. I knew I shouldn't have been a cheap POS and just bought the damn thing for about 50 bucks more from a dealer.

oh fucking well. I really wanted to have this in my hand before I left for Florida, but it's not looking good.

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