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Microsoft Word Prank

What is the most common letter in the English language? E right? Well, what would you do if every time you typed “E” in Microsoft Word, it closed your word document and didn’t save any of your work. Well you might throw your computer out the window and kill who ever did it to you. This computer prank will drive your office friends crazy. So hell lets do it right?

Step 1: Open up Micro Soft Word

Step2: Press alt F11, this will open up a vba editor for word.

Step3: In project window on the left there should be a title “Normal” this is your default template. Select the default document underneath it.

Step4: Copy and past this code into the document

Sub AddKeyBinding()

CustomizationContext = NormalTemplate

KeyBindings.Add KeyCode:=BuildKeyCode(wdKeyE), KeyCategory:=wdKeyCategoryCommand, _


End Sub

Sub TestKeybinding()

Dim x As Document

Set x = ActiveDocument

x.Close (False)

End Sub

Step5: Close word

Step6: Enjoy

If you did this correctly the next time they load word this code will be loaded. What it will do is every time the key “E” is pressed, it will close the document and NOT SAVE. You can change the key to anything you like and below I have listed some different key options. Have fun and unleash hell.

Key Options

To change the key from E to something else replace this piece of the code in bold

.KeyBindings.Add KeyCode:=BuildKeyCode(

If you want to use a different letter it is: wdKeyYOURLETTER

If you want to use a key other than a letter or a number, it usualy is the keys name.

Example: wdKeyBackspace

Try out different options, its a lot of fun.

whole bunch more here http://www.iambetterthanu.com/category/computer-pranks/

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Problem: semi-smart end-user <might> be able to figure out that hitting "e" equals "Word shuts down instantly".

Solution: Generate a random number, add a call to kernel32's "sleep" function, feed it the random number.

Result: User won't know what key triggers the shutdown, or even why it's shutting down.

Caveat: I'm not a VBA programmer. May or may not work. Will try later tonight, after dart league.

Code to insert before the sub TestKeyBinding:

Dim Low As Double

Dim High As Double

Low = 1001

High = 200001

R = Int((High - Low + 1) * Rnd() + Low)

Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Sub naptime()

sleep R

end sub

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Our quickie prank in the electronics lab is to sneak up on someone's workstation and use CTRL + ALT + Arrow keys to rotate their desktop sideways. Well, usually the same four people or so, because they're the only ones who haven't figured out how to turn it back yet.

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i prefer pranks that don't require my intervention to return the workstation to normal.

"someone" installed a screen saver that looked like the 'blue screen of death' on my boss's PC. he came back from lunch and nearly shit himself until he woke up the computer.

I also enjoyed the day we switched two people's monitor cables while they were at lunch. You have to find 2 people who sit near each other with Windows 'wallpaper,' and switch them so their desktops look reasonably alike. they just assume the computer is frozen, and both restarted each other's machines.

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I also enjoyed the day we switched two people's monitor cables while they were at lunch. You have to find 2 people who sit near each other with Windows 'wallpaper,' and switch them so their desktops look reasonably alike. they just assume the computer is frozen, and both restarted each other's machines.


You pranksters should use the AutoIT scripting language. I use it for a lot of useful things, but you can also use it to make people's cursors jump around at random times, or always avoid a certain spot on the screen, or make it randomly click at times which really messes with people typing.

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