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Jersey Shore


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*I thought this was so incredibly stupid...i had to share. A guido tv show on MTV. Getting alot of negative flack...and i love it. People have got to make these shows, for one reason only. So...we laugh our asses of at these vain...arrogant...bottom feeders.*


Jersey's "craziest guidos" are finally getting their moment in the sun. Hopefully their fake tans will be ready.

The seaside fist-pumping, open-shirt wearing, bling-blinging greasers will be featured on a new MTV reality series -- and the premiere is just a few weeks away. Oh my gawd.

If you thought "The Hills" was bad, just wait for MTV's "Jersey Shore," starring the "hottest, tannest, craziest Guidos" around as they wade (carefully) through the (dirty) water and step (gingerly) on the (needle-ridden) sand on their way to down Jagerbombs.

From the trailer, it looks like the drama will unfold in a brown house on the shore, where muscle-loving men do pull-ups from the ceiling, couples throw punches and bikini-wearing babes nap in tanning beds before heading out to the beach to strut their stuff.

The dialogue sounds particularly clever -- "I'm ripped up like Rambo," "I'm hot," and "Don't be a hater" -- with scintillating visuals like a dude with sweaty armpits pumping his fist aggressively in the air.

We can't wait for the premiere, which is slated for Dec. 3 at 10 p.m. on MTV, which used to show music videos. But if you want a sneak peak, watch the promo below.


First Published: Nov 12, 2009 2:14 PM EST

One of the better comments. :D

  • anonymous This show is such a joke. I work at one of the stores that they took over. Those people didn't even work there until the show started up and they were such a pain to have around. The house was completely redone by MTV, and now that theyre gone they took the whole place apart again. Most of the "cast" aren't even from New Jersey, much less the Jersey Shore. Having them there all summer was torture, but seeing the previews was so worth it. This show is going to make them all look... moreThis show is such a joke. I work at one of the stores that they took over. Those people didn't even work there until the show started up and they were such a pain to have around. The house was completely redone by MTV, and now that theyre gone they took the whole place apart again. Most of the "cast" aren't even from New Jersey, much less the Jersey Shore. Having them there all summer was torture, but seeing the previews was so worth it. This show is going to make them all look ridiculous. Sad part is, most of the cast aren't even that terrible, MTV really played everything up to make them all look like crazy fist-pumping guidos. Cant even call this "reality" tv, theres NOTHING real about it.4:52 PM, 11.12.09
  • Toby finally something on par with the REAL WORLD season 1!4:57 PM, 11.12.09

Edited by NightRider
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i hate it but love watching the train wreck of people that mtv finds for this shit :lol:


It takes a lot to offend me, in fact I don't even know what the last thing that I even thought was offensive towards me was. Being Italian I wanted to truly hate this show and the whole guido thing (which in fact I think guidos are the worst, almost sorry excuse for humans) BUT it is so entertaining waiting to see what more ridiculous shit they are going to spew from their face twats

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he said face twat :lol:

its on right now if anyone wants to witness the funzies :D

I usually come up blank on those kinda funnies but that just hit me. I know I'll watch this at work tomorrow and bitch about how they aren't real Italians then applaud the dude for punching that one bitch in the face. Shes annoying AND nasty

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Lol... I watched this show for the first time tonight and it was hilarious! The crap they say and how they act is so stupid it's entertaining. Don't get me wrong, I know Italians don't act like this, I grew up with them, but these people are so rediculous it's funny!! Sad, sad moment...

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