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I hate........

Big Chief201

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We made enough of a profit, but the insurance pulled money out of it to put it under the % where the company starts giving out profit sharing.

The unions 3rd party people are going to go through the paperwork and hopefully they catch them trying to screw us again. Last year we got a $600 check, but the 3rd party went over the books and found that the company had funneled off most of our profits to other plants to make them look better. We ended up getting another $800 check.

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Congrats on your bonus. If it makes you feel better all OSU gave me was a $20 Giant Eagle gift card.
I got $10 from Giant Eagle - and I don't even get groceries there.

I got a Giant Eagle gift card too! wtf, GE is makin bank this season.

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Gotta "redistribute the wealth". You know...give your hard days pay to some free loading lazy ass. Total crap!


Now that's what I'm talking about everyone's all like be lucky you got a bonus this and that. Well I got a bonus because our company is doing great and its what we do. I'm bitching because my bonus got taxed to crap to support bs that I dont need or utilize to begin with.

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Got a $50 visa gift card here too, which hardly makes up for the nearly 8% pay cut I received this year...and to think that I went into the medical field to MAKE money...lol. I am making less now than when I started due to the loss of weekend pay differential and no more OT. Times are tough everywhere, and yeah I guess we should all be thankful we have jobs, and family, and bikes...etc. However, I am totally with you guys that say enough is enough with the taxes on the working class American to pay for those that are either too lazy to work, unwilling to work, or come to this country illegally and rape the system. It is not totally these peoples fault though, if our government didn't encourage and reward this behavior then they would have to get off of their ass or they would starve.

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