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that good ol' burnt oil smell...

Benyen Soljax

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alright, so my bike runs fine. (04 ninja 250 for those who dont know) the other day i noticed there was a small oil drip from my oil cap. found the problem was that i put on an aftermarket chrome cap and forgot to swap in the gasket from the stock cap. no prob, took 2 minutes and filled her up with some more oil.

since then, whenever i start the bike and let it warm up, the sun makes it look like im puffing out oil smoke through my pipes, smoke that i cant see at night or in any other conditions than are present on my driveway.

then when i get to my destination, my engine just wreaks of burning oil, almost as if the engine is so warm its just cooking the oil on the inside. ive inspected it during the day and theres a number of places around the engine that appear to have some evidence of leaking a fluid. the radiator fluid is not one of them. rad. fluid is nice and blue and full to the top. the other mystery leaks are everything from a black sticky substance i believe is excess chain lube to one spot that i think is actually seeping a very small amount of oil. no spots on the ground however from the past few days. some spots from previous days, but i parked my bike in a clean spot since i noticed the smell. the oil evidence is coming from the the area right underneath the airbox. its another plastic fixture that does who knows what.

im not really sure what im asking here, guess im just looking for some advice, whether to just let it go and fill up the oil when it needs, or maybe look into it further? maybe im just crazy and the smell is just the engine heat playing with my senses. humor me please.

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well if the oil was leaking then there was some on the engine and it will take a little while for it to completely burn off. A lot of people spill some oil on thier headers when changing filters and they get that smell for a little while.

Congrats on the chrome oil cap!

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ill go and check it. at least i know i didnt put 8 quarts in like some other unnamed rider ive heard of. but i did fill it some after i discovered it was leaking.

Dont give up searching for that leak they only get worse. I had oil wicking up from my stator to a connection under my seat i was like WTF. Turned out to be a factory defect on ZX12 stators that allowed that to happen. I got on www.zx-12r.org a forum and they told me it was a factory recall which had been done on my bike but the dipshits at that dealership that fixed it didnt do it right so i had to re-do it myself.

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Dont give up searching for that leak they only get worse. I had oil wicking up from my stator to a connection under my seat i was like WTF. Turned out to be a factory defect on ZX12 stators that allowed that to happen. I got on www.zx-12r.org a forum and they told me it was a factory recall which had been done on my bike but the dipshits at that dealership that fixed it didnt do it right so i had to re-do it myself.

yeah i fixed it...its all recorded on the 9/5 QSL thread

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