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That's no good for OSU.....


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he isn't a pocket passer..... but when they roll him out he is dangerous as hell. He can put a pass where he wants it or tuck and take off without being rushed. I was pissed after listening to Herbsteet and all the others on ESPN and ABC saying how the "ducks are just to fast" and how our defense couldnt hang with them all game. WHAT THE HELL.............did any of these idiots watch any of OSU's other games were the defense spent most of the game on the feild and played at a high level the whole damn time. Hell, even their head coach almost broke his arm pattn himself on the back. At least most coaches to the respectful thing and say "we have a great team, but they have a great team also and it should be a good game". I'm glad they finally opened the offense up............ let Prior get after it more.

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i like these predictions especially from 'buckeye fans' . for some 'fans' anything short of PERFECT is failure. im sure even a U.M. ,big ten, and rose bowl victory still wont be enough. the best damn FANS in the land?!? i think not.

Theyre gonna get thier asses handed to em anyways. And before you haters start crying ,im an ohio state fan, they just suck
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