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Hey Jerm, next nice Sunday we get, I'll take down to NKY.

I amost went up Jaime Dr. yesterday as I came thorugh Vinnedge.

You knows the bumps on Hamilton Mason just as you make the right off Vinnedge are NASTY.

I luckily was on the gas hard enough. I hit it about 1/4 throttle and as soon as I hit the first the front came up a hair and just skimmed over tops of each one. Just a little more and it could have caused a tank slapper.

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Hey Jerm, next nice Sunday we get, I'll take down to NKY.

I amost went up Jaime Dr. yesterday as I came thorugh Vinnedge.

You knows the bumps on Hamilton Mason just as you make the right off Vinnedge are NASTY.

I luckily was on the gas hard enough. I hit it about 1/4 throttle and as soon as I hit the first the front came up a hair and just skimmed over tops of each one. Just a little more and it could have caused a tank slapper.

i cant this sunday, sundays are usually bad, i go to church, morning and evening, but have like 6 hours in between. but i havent noticed those bumps :dunno:

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if you are up for a ride, i know a group that meets on rt four in fairfield, just off 275. they meet at the hooters across from showcase cinema at noon to 12:30. they are trying to make it noon. they then head to the shell gas station directly after that to fuel up and such. sunday is a larger group. they have been doing this the last couple of months. you can also catch the group leaving aa hwy in kentucky off 275 at the shell station. they usually leave at 11, but i think they are starting to leave at 1 because of the colder weather. they meet at the shell station and run down 165 and such.

if you want to hook up with me for a ride-i am game. i live just over in westwood, not but a few minutes from cincy state. tonight i will be riding with a group of people and ending up at the comet bar on hamilton in northside.

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  • 2 weeks later...
As I recall, I'm only a year older than you. :rolleyes:

And the point is?

The antics you pull over on Local won't go far here. I'd quit while you are ahead... Suggestion, of course.

Age has nothing to do with a God damn thing.

Why don't you put me on your ignore list here and be done with it? This gets kinda old.

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Theres one thing we can agree on I suppose.

Dude, why don't you just stick with Local Riders? We really don't need people like you over here. Anyways, it is more sport and track related so, it really doesn't have anything to offer you.

And, it's much more fun as they don't have a "Good Ol' Boys Club" here.

Thanks for posting just to try and stir shit up. Bye-bye, now...

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So I take it you two are great friends! :dunno::popcorn:

Oh, yeah... He's a REAL gem... Unfortunately, not all enthusiasts are cool folks... Not many are like this guy, but they exist. Don't worry, though... You'll never see him at a track day or anything. He is just a lurker...

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I think I'll stick around. I've been here for a while now. I've just not said much.

Do what you please. Funny how you wait until a thread that pertains to Cincy and specifically Localriders to post after such a long period of being quiet.:rolleyes:

Shake the cage all you want Witty. Nobody here is gonna give two cents.

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Do what you please. Funny how you wait until a thread that pertains to Cincy and specifically Localriders to post after such a long period of being quiet.:rolleyes:

Shake the cage all you want Witty. Nobody here is gonna give two cents.

Well, Cincinnati and LocalRiders are two things that are of interest to me. I suppose I should wait for a thread about Toledo and WERA? Duh. Thanks for the hospitality, Bryan. I know that I can always count on you.

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