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Well, Cincinnati and LocalRiders are two things that are of interest to me. I suppose I should wait for a thread about Toledo and WERA? Duh. Thanks for the hospitality, Bryan. I know that I can always count on you.

It's Brian, first of all. Second, if it was a WERA thread, you DEFINATELY have no use or business there. You ride a touring bike and never have raced nor never will... You COULD pretend to be interested, though... Even though you have everyone convinced over at LR that you have a vast amount of knowledge and experience, remember this: Years of experience means nothing if over all those years you did it wrong...

Toledo? Have no idea... What the hell does that have anything to do with what we are discussing?

I'm not hospitable with a guy who cries and carries on to the point he essentially gets me banned. You have some magical powers over at Local. You got me banned pretty much and yet, you were sitting there making jokes about it and actually the root of it all. Yet, you got nothing, A slap...

Do us all a favor, look all you want, but from here on out, you have nothing to say to me. No responses, nothing. If there's a topic about Korean bikes, Touring bikes, etc., you're golden. I won't even look at them. We'll stay away well enough. But, anything you have to say or make a wise ass comment in an effort to get me pissed, etc. Don't. You'll not get your way on here. These guys are cool and they certainly aren't going to be warm to a guy like yourself....

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wow, all my threads end up in fights!

Nah, dude, it's all good. Problem is that this guy and a few of his "posse" have pushed quite a few folks away from Local Riders. I'm trying to get them to check this place out. The mods and such are a LOT more in the middle as opposed to being buds with the problem children.

Guy is bad news and even though he has a cult folowing of guys just waiting to have him say "drink the Kool-Aide", he's got more people that think of him as I do...

He'll go away. I just need to ignore him. He's a puss over at LR. He puts me and a couple of others on his ignore list. How he rides that tourer w/o a spine, I have no idea...

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I'm not hospitable with a guy who cries and carries on to the point he essentially gets me banned. You have some magical powers over at Local. You got me banned pretty much and yet, you were sitting there making jokes about it and actually the root of it all. Yet, you got nothing, A slap...
You sound like the kid in school that blames his "F" on his teacher. You got yourself banned. No one to blame but you. Simple.
Do us all a favor, look all you want, but from here on out, you have nothing to say to me.
I'd suggest taking your own advice, Bryan. You have nothing to say to me either.
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You sound like the kid in school that blames his "F" on his teacher. You got yourself banned. No one to blame but you. Simple.

Yeah, right. We'll never know the whole story, will we. All I know is that a couple of mods talked to me sidebar and you weren't well regarded. I didn't get an "F" as what I was doing and supporting was, in fact 100% legit. It was afterall, important enough for you to redo years worth of crap, no? I don't blame anyone, but I will say that what is good for one person on that site doesn't mean the same will be for another...

I'd suggest taking your own advice, Bryan. You have nothing to say to me either.

Tahm, I have PLENTY to say to you. Trust me...

I'm done with this little side arguement you've created. You can call it a victory or whatever you need to call it.

Why don't you go ride one of your Lifans or something?

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wow, hey if there are any ohrider newbies from cincy, and wanna say hey, dont let all the:bitchfight: keep you away, just pop in and say hey
As I recall, you live in Fairfield (or was it Hamilton), right?

The time change is gonna suck as far as riding any time during the weekday (for those of us that work till 5pm). That pretty much only leaves the weekends.

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As I recall, you live in Fairfield (or was it Hamilton), right?

The time change is gonna suck as far as riding any time during the weekday (for those of us that work till 5pm). That pretty much only leaves the weekends.

yeah, fairfield township, basically hamilton...I havent had much time to ride lately exept commuting the last couple weeks, ive been so freakin busy. I dont really understand how thats gonna be bad?

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yeah, fairfield township, basically hamilton...I havent had much time to ride lately exept commuting the last couple weeks, ive been so freakin busy. I dont really understand how thats gonna be bad?
Other than some weekend moto trips down to Deals Gap and such, I've not had much time for riding either (other than to/from work, and that really isn't that exciting). My kids are wrapping up some of their Summer Sports which will free up some time, but with the time change, it will now be getting dark an hour earlier (as if it wasn't getting dark early to begin with). It's just nice to be able to ride home from work, jump off the touring bike and onto my S4, and head out for some twisties.... but with it pretty much being dark when I get home, that makes it difficult (not to mention the high population of deer around dusk in this area being hazardous to your health). Of course, the extra daylight in the morning will help with the morning commute, but I'd rather have the daylight later in the day.
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You sound like the kid in school that blames his "F" on his teacher. You got yourself banned. No one to blame but you. Simple.

I'd suggest taking your own advice,BRYAN.

oh no he didn't:D

sorry jerm for the continued thread jack. but hey it keeps it up top right?

localriders is a site I only visit for a few min at a time. because like lizard is saying, it's run by a bunch of " " I'm lost for a word here.

there is a few people I've met from there, and if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't ever post again. too much of a wimpy site with all of the crybabies.

like my thread I started about some dude clipping me while out riding that got shut down.:rolleyes:

then they start in about the group that I'm part of that rides the sunday ride, known as the 10/22 sportbike romp. we named it that so some people wouldn't show up. they think we are a bunch of hooligans. but the truth is we are far from it. we ride a moderate pace and don't screw around

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oh no he didn't:D

sorry jerm for the continued thread jack. but hey it keeps it up top right?

localriders is a site I only visit for a few min at a time. because like lizard is saying, it's run by a bunch of " " I'm lost for a word here.

there is a few people I've met from there, and if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't ever post again. too much of a wimpy site with all of the crybabies.

like my thread I started about some dude cliping me while out riding that got shut down.:rolleyes:

then they start in about the group that Im part of that rides the sunday ride, known as the 10/22 sportbike romp. we named it that so some people wouldn't show up. they think we are a bunch of hooligans. but the truth is we are far from it. we ride a moderate pace and don't screw around

Don't go there about the people who run Local... You'll get Tohm all upset and such as he's TIGHT with most the rule makers there. He'll get too wound up to ride the "twisties" on his S4... Love to see him ride with you guys... :flag:

I gotta blast. I have a few twisties I have to hit with my Jog. It carves the curves like no other all the while spewing the scent of old race fuel...

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Stick with what you know best.

What's that? Whipping guys on touring/sport touring bikes? Nah, I'll stick with motorcycles in general and the industry itself. I do, however, enjoy people like your that seem to think they know everything and have ridden about everything thus making them all knowing.

You make the Cincy area proud, I am sure. That region is lucky to have such a wonderful guy representing them. I'll stick with the guys I know from there. Much nicer, much more informed, good riders, knowledgeable riders, and they actually know what they are talking about.

Like Serpent stated (And I have been a little tough on the guy), MANY folks have left LR's website due to folks like yourself. Ever watched the threads for any given time? Lame is a word I'd use to describe them. There are still many who simply watch threads for things and thus, it is still a good avenue to post things for sale, find what's going on in a certain area, but overall, it feels kinda old school...

Not here. This place feels more like it has energy. Like the guys and gals here are actually more enthusiast based than simply "riders". They are hungry for information and MANY are actually wanting to improve their riding skills via many aspects of our sport. Their perspective is more like what I encounter on a daily basis - not regurgitated information posted just to get people to pay attention to one's self.

But, hey... To each their own. LR is great to visit once in a while. OR is a better place for enthusiasts more keen on sportbikes and MX riding. Stuff in between for sure and definitely welcome, but overall, it means guys like you aren't really going to fit in well. You can try and maybe you'll actually learn to ride a proper bike one day. You could sell all that Korean knock off stuff you pretend is as good as the Big 4 stuff (In parentheses) and buy a sportbike and actually take a track day or something and learn what it feels like to actually understand and control a motorcycle.

Dare ya.

You can go your own way, Thomas. I'm going to stick around here a while. I've met quite a few of these guys and gals via work and track days and even racing. They are good people. Many of the guys and gals I met from LR were very good people, as well, but unfortunately, they seem to have gone away. I see many still and talk via emails and such, but not usually on the board anymore.

It's a shame. I thought the site had potential. Oh, well...

But, if you want to stick around, cool. Watch the BS comments you like to throw out there. Here, they won't side on your part because you tattled. How 'bout this - you shut your yam bag container and we'll be good. Keep the BS comments a comin' and I'll throw it right back at ya. It's really your call. We'll see what you decide.

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But, if you want to stick around, cool. Watch the BS comments you like to throw out there. Here, they won't side on your part because you tattled. How 'bout this - you shut your yam bag container and we'll be good. Keep the BS comments a comin' and I'll throw it right back at ya. It's really your call. We'll see what you decide.
There's one compliment I can give you, Bran, and that is that you're an expert on BS comments.
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There's one compliment I can give you, Brian, and that is that you're an expert on BS comments.

Yeah, yam bag container is a BS comment... It's a description of your mouth - not a comment. I was telling you to close your mouth with a descriptive set of words... You're a smart guy, you know what comment means. You are the master at comments and even while I was banned over at your playground, you were making jabs that had even other members replying to you to knock it off. Comments are different than name calling.

You're a dick. That's name calling. Get it?

It's over. You don't get it. You've infected this site with your presence and now you're at your old tricks. It's like me arguing with a 2 year old. I might win, but all in all, I'm still just arguing with a 2 year old.

Go ride the "twisties on the S4" and come back and tell us how great your Shinko tires held up. Maybe enlighten us after a "test ride" on an UM SV650 knock off. Oh, I know... why don't you tell us how many miles you've ridden this year - it'll make it so that everyone MUST respect you. You're an attention whore - plain and simple. You cry and bitch when you get picked on by someone equal or better and if it goes your way, you walk around as if you kicked their ass.

By the way, attention whore was another description... Just in case you didn't understand.

To everyone else, sorry for the rants. This guy is a complete and utter dick. If I ever met him while riding, I'd try and slow down to his pace so I could sit there and completely annoy the guy. Ride on his tail, stuff him in the corners, cut him short once in a while, etc. Make his day a great and lovely experience. He's that sort of guy... He might be 36 (doubt it), but he acts like a BMW rider in his 60s... Bitter and pissy yet all knowing about everything... Anyways, I'll try and pull some Cincy area guys on here. There's a few that are good guys. REALLY good guys that I suspect 95% of you all would like. Not like stiff dick here...

I still think it would be fun to have Serpent and his boys invite him down to ride. Oh, that's right, he doesn't do that sort of thing... He's too good for that type of Hooliganism, right?


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Yeah, yam bag container is a BS comment... It's a description of your mouth - not a comment. I was telling you to close your mouth with a descriptive set of words... You're a smart guy, you know what comment means. You are the master at comments and even while I was banned over at your playground, you were making jabs that had even other members replying to you to knock it off. Comments are different than name calling.

You're a dick. That's name calling. Get it?

It's over. You don't get it. You've infected this site with your presence and now you're at your old tricks. It's like me arguing with a 2 year old. I might win, but all in all, I'm still just arguing with a 2 year old.

Go ride the "twisties on the S4" and come back and tell us how great your Shinko tires held up. Maybe enlighten us after a "test ride" on an UM SV650 knock off. Oh, I know... why don't you tell us how many miles you've ridden this year - it'll make it so that everyone MUST respect you. You're an attention whore - plain and simple. You cry and bitch when you get picked on by someone equal or better and if it goes your way, you walk around as if you kicked their ass.

By the way, attention whore was another description... Just in case you didn't understand.

To everyone else, sorry for the rants. This guy is a complete and utter dick. If I ever met him while riding, I'd try and slow down to his pace so I could sit there and completely annoy the guy. Ride on his tail, stuff him in the corners, cut him short once in a while, etc. Make his day a great and lovely experience. He's that sort of guy... He might be 36 (doubt it), but he acts like a BMW rider in his 60s... Bitter and pissy yet all knowing about everything... Anyways, I'll try and pull some Cincy area guys on here. There's a few that are good guys. REALLY good guys that I suspect 95% of you all would like. Not like stiff dick here...

I still think it would be fun to have Serpent and his boys invite him down to ride. Oh, that's right, he doesn't do that sort of thing... He's too good for that type of Hooliganism, right?


You sure do use an awful lots of words to say so little. Maybe with some help, you might be able to work through some of your issues Bryan. I'd suggest going for a ride, maybe clearing your thoughts.
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The best part about this dood is you can read him like a book. His maturity level is obviously lacking, considering he HAS to spell "Brian" wrong every chance he gets. :rolleyes:

Wanna see something even funnier? He won't talk back to anyone else sayin basically the same thing, but if I respond, he'll be on it like fly on stink.

Wait for it...

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Oh, lookie... He's using the same avatar with "My hero" on it. He also grabbed my avatar from Localriders and is using it below in a nice butterfly effect...

Guy also has Canyon Dancers, Hyosung and Stabil in his sig. Why? Because they are things he is so freakin passionate about because he doesn't know jack about much of anything. Again, old school mentality on just about everything. Someone comes along and states that there's a better solution than Canyon Dancers and he cries his little ass off and pouts.

Like a 3rd grade school girl, he then goes and does the avatar, sig, and pic below.

Nice. Too bad I cannot find a big ol' Donkey wiener and balls or I'd place that as my avatar with "Guess who?" on it.

What a childish, bitter, stalker acting fool. I get a kick out of how people get so wound up over simple internet crap. He goes to such great lengths.

Maybe I'll have a little more fun at his expense. I'll see if Satan can hook a brother up so I can mess with the dude even more.

Probably not a good idea or he'll come hunting for me like the psycho KTM dude. I see a Triumph Trophy with an old guy on it, I'm going back to punt...

What a douche...:rolleyes:

Can't wait for the next round of gooberness...

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