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If it doesnt work well for you, there's a handy dandy ignore button.

Gives you the opportunity to miss my "humor".

Or, you could just go suck a dick.

Your humor in the op was funny. If any of the rest is humor, I failed at finding it. I won't ignore you, as I might miss the context of someone putting you in your place when you're wrong, although you'll never admit to being wrong..

I leave the sucking to you, maybe you'll swallow a load and it'll loosen you up a bit! :lol:

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Your humor in the op was funny. If any of the rest is humor, I failed at finding it. I won't ignore you, as I might miss the context of someone putting you in your place when you're wrong, although you'll never admit to being wrong..

So your failure is my fault? Please.

Plenty of people think I'm wrong, but those people are usually dealing with my opinions rather than facts. My opinions are mine, if people don't agree, that's their business.

I leave the sucking to you, maybe you'll swallow a load and it'll loosen you up a bit! :lol:

Are you passing this advice on because it worked for you? I wondered what the secret to your "looseness" was.

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So your failure is my fault? Please.

:wtf: I don't get you there man....

Plenty of people think I'm wrong, but those people are usually dealing with my opinions rather than facts. My opinions are mine, if people don't agree, that's their business.

Even when proven wrong, you don't give up, from what I've seen.

Are you passing this advice on because it worked for you? I wondered what the secret to your "looseness" was.

Nice try at humor, and at taking a jab at me! You're getting there!

So, if you're so anti-social, what are you doing on a board that's a bunch of people that joke around, get together to ride, etc....? Not complaining, just curious....

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:wtf: I don't get you there man....

You said you failed to see the humor. That isn't my fault. Understand now?

So, if you're so anti-social, what are you doing on a board that's a bunch of people that joke around, get together to ride, etc....? Not complaining, just curious....

If you miss my humor, don't like me, and think I'm anti-social, why the fuck would you care why I'm here? I mean, I don't give a shit why you or anyone else is here.

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You said you failed to see the humor. That isn't my fault. Understand now?

I got the humor of the original post, but have seen very little else from you the even resembles humor. THAT is what I'm talking about.

If you miss my humor, don't like me, and think I'm anti-social, why the fuck would you care why I'm here? I mean, I don't give a shit why you or anyone else is here.

YOU are the one that said you are probably the least social...blah, blah.....! I don't CARE if you are here or not, I was just curious, since about all you seem to do is find arguments to get into. :dunno:

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy debating things with people, but with you, there seems to be no middle ground, and no understanding of the other side. No agree to disagree, or even taking jokes that people make about you, or the topic at hand, many times.

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I got the humor of the original post, but have seen very little else from you the even resembles humor. THAT is what I'm talking about.

So, you don't get it, maybe someone else does? Move on to the next post if you dont like it. Seems pretty simple to me.

YOU are the one that said you are probably the least social...blah, blah.....! I don't CARE if you are here or not, I was just curious, since about all you seem to do is find arguments to get into. :dunno:

Wow....for someone who "doesnt care" you sure do make a big deal about it. Try this - make up your OWN reason why I'm here. I'm sure whatever answer I'd give you wouldn't "get" anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy debating things with people, but with you, there seems to be no middle ground, and no understanding of the other side. No agree to disagree, or even taking jokes that people make about you, or the topic at hand, many times.

So, do have an honest "debate" about something there has to be a middle ground, or I have to "understand" the other side? WTF are you talking about? This isn't grade school soccer where everyone gets a trophy no matter how poorly they played. Dude, I'm 46 years old, its taken most of those years to form my opinions. Someone would have to have a very strong argument to change my mind on something. By the way, it has happened a time or two. So sorry YOU haven't been around to see it.

Quoted to back up the least social comment in my previous post.

Least social doesnt mean anti-social, does it?

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Wow....for someone who "doesnt care" you sure do make a big deal about it. Try this - make up your OWN reason why I'm here. I'm sure whatever answer I'd give you wouldn't "get" anyway.

That goes both ways! Thanks for occupying my time through the day today. I'll be back on schedule tomorrow, I won't be posting as much, so you're likely safe from me!

I'll drop it, and leave you alone....

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Wow...someone's EASILY entertained.

Why don't you get a girlfriend or something?

:lol: My wife was at work, babysitter had to take the day off, so I stayed home. What else was I to do?

Really man, I didn't know you would be so argumentative, but it was sort of fun!

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:lol: My wife was at work, babysitter had to take the day off, so I stayed home. What else was I to do?

Really man, I didn't know you would be so argumentative, but it was sort of fun!

For someone that was "done", you sure do have a habit of babbling on...

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