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quaker steak 9/5


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I guess I am the lucky person that gets to start the weekly who is going to bike night thread. So who is going tonight? Any new people let us know what you are riding so we can be nice to you for the first day.

I will be on my newly spray painted gsxr 750 :sleigh: and kristen will probably be on the r1 cause it is better than her bike. Later when she will read this thread and make some horrible comeback like "Its my R1 cause you put it in my name to save on insurance" and I'll be like "So" :beathorse:

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I think I may pull "Big Red" out tonight....Been a month or better.

Sounds like a plan.. Im gonna ride tonight for sure.. Talk about weird. I got out the 1K last friday after riding dirt on thurs and I really had to make a conscious decision to stay the hell off the rear brake. Oh yeah, and the front tire had some type of pavement repellent on it.. Damn dirt bike is already causing bad habits. :nono:

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Ignore that last one from 250bunny. For some reason when I logged in it had my name but when I posted that comment it then said she did it. Damn technology.

I (MrBret) will be there 250bunny will be at work as she said.

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Ignore that last one from 250bunny. For some reason when I logged in it had my name but when I posted that comment it then said she did it.

Oh, so I get it....You post on forums as a female....Does 250Bunny even exist..:confused:

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John you are correct shell at 7. I have seen your bike at OSU before, I think

sounds good. ive got some stuff to do at 5, but it should only take about an hour


you probably have seen me at OSU, i try to ride there as much as humanly possible so i dont have to pay like 7 dollars a day to park my car.

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Oh, so I get it....You post on forums as a female....Does 250Bunny even exist..:confused:

You fool. You've met her.

250bunny is my wife so as husband and wife we live in the same house & use the same computer.

If she does not exist I and a lot of people on here have a very vivid imagination.

Silly Putty.

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