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quaker steak 9/5


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so for anyone at taco hell tonight, my bike is now in pieces, and theres a large stab wound to my hand. but i know now. its all good training...im better prepared for first aid now.

so theres a gearbox vent tube that vents to the airbox. below this vent tube in the airbox is another vent tube for the airbox, which i assume is to let out any fluid buildup in the box. this second tube was plugged. oil was chilling in my airbox with no way out, just building up from the pressure caused by me overfilling it. This is the cause of the leak i was experiencing. there may have been some oil leaking from the shifter thing but it is minimal if at all. seems like a bunch of chain lube buildup.

so after taking my bike apart down to the frame, i have the airbox drying after a good scrubbing, and im going to go buy a new air filter tomorrow.

another big thank you to all who helped out tonight.

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so for anyone at taco hell tonight, my bike is now in pieces, and theres a large stab wound to my hand. but i know now. its all good training...im better prepared for first aid now.

so theres a gearbox vent tube that vents to the airbox. below this vent tube in the airbox is another vent tube for the airbox, which i assume is to let out any fluid buildup in the box. this second tube was plugged. oil was chilling in my airbox with no way out, just building up from the pressure caused by me overfilling it. This is the cause of the leak i was experiencing. there may have been some oil leaking from the shifter thing but it is minimal if at all. seems like a bunch of chain lube buildup.

so after taking my bike apart down to the frame, i have the airbox drying after a good scrubbing, and im going to go buy a new air filter tomorrow.

another big thank you to all who helped out tonight.

damn, at least you found it! i thought it may have been a vent tube.. :(

whats the story behind the stab wound...

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Nice to know it was only a plugged tube.... BTW... spray the hell out of everything with WD40.. It will cut through the oil and chain lube like a knife through butter without worrying about damaging anything... Brake cleaner will take paint off your fairings.. WD40 is the master cleaner when it comes to grease and oil...

PS.. I would have stabbed your hand if you asked me too...

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ben, that tube that goes from the crankcase to the airbox is a crankcase vent/recirculation tube.

as combustion occurs, byproducts are made and some of them get into the crankcase. that tube sucks them into the airbox so that they can get into the intake and be burnt again. if that tube isnt there, they would just vent to the atmosphere. its more of an emissions thing IMO than anything else...

but with all that oil in there, it was coming out that hole, and thats why it was getting into your airbox :)

glad to hear you got it all fixed up.

PS. if its a foam filter, you may be able to get away with giving it a really good wash, and then a light oiling again. :)

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