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Cold weather gear?

Strictly Street

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I've got this jacket, Iron pony used to have tons of good teknics stuff on closeout



I also have some teknics cold weather pants but it's a different type, same idea though, gortex textile with knox armor. It's good stuff and I have yet to ride in weather where I was cold under the jacket. Otherwise, pinlock shield on my shoei rf-1000 and some sort of kneck warmer, thick socks, boots, gloves. I don't do any real riding under 30 degrees, rarely under 40. But I think the jacket could handle some serious cold I'd just need better gloves and that sort of stuff.

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cue mud pit video...

And ruin my rep as a stud? I think not.

I did make a very lame video of my riding today...


I took the Strom out too, but by then the roads were scraped off enough it wasn't very epic...mostly just waddling down the road to my brother's house and back, but I proved that daredevils brave the elements in laughing defiance of the jealous interwebbers. I didn't even wreck.

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