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Oh no! Global cooling! It's CO2's fault! Help us Al Gore!


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I don't get it.

So...the new hypothesis is we're going into 'Cold Mode', but have nothing to back it up other than the first winter of this year?

And the Professor that's cited - Professor Mojib Latif, believes in Global Warming (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120668812&ft=1&f=1007) as quoted in his interview:

RAZ: Now, your research, Dr. Latif, has been cited by climate change skeptics here in the U.S., by for example, George Will, a conservative columnist with the Washington Post, to show that the Earth actually goes through natural warming and cooling trends and that climate change is really being overhyped. Do you think your work is being misused?

Dr. LATIF: Yes. It is misused. I must say this, unfortunately, because these changes we are talking about, these short-term changes, you know, their amplitudes are much smaller than the long-term warming trends. So we are talking about a hold, okay, in the last 10 years. We are not talking about a net cooling to, say, (unintelligible) temperatures, (unintelligible), you know, which we observed 100 years ago or so. Okay, and also what we predicted for the future is basically that this hold may continue for another 10 years or so, okay, but we did not predict a cooling. We basically said that we would stay for some more years on this plateau.

RAZ: Just to clarify, you are not a climate change skeptic.

Dr. LATIF: If my name was not Mojib Latif, my name would be global warming. So I really believe in Global Warming. Okay. However, you know, we have to accept that there are these natural fluctuations, and therefore, the temperature may not show additional warming temporarily.

So, where exactly are we going with this??

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isnt that what happens when the globe moves farther or closer to the sun?

I think the newest theory is sunspot activity. But your right the Earth's orbit is not stable, It moves in and out and the axis tilts.

Sadly it's not SUV's, so there is nothing to tax, but they are still trying to tax us over it. Cap and Trade and the like.

I think the email leak had something to do with it as well. The perception that the science guys were cooking the books didn't help their cause any. True or not, the perception that they might have didn't sit well with a lot of people. Then there is the data replication problem where their facts and figures can't be checked.

The Kyoto treaty, which didn't really do anything except take money out of the rich nations and give to the poor sounded nice. Until the poor nations found out the "payments" were coming out of their foreign aid support funds and they weren't getting any new money, just the same old money with a new title. Small revolt at the UN!

The more this hits the news the more it all looks like a shell game with us as the mark.

IDK, it seems more like a religion to me than a science at this point. With "True Believers", "Blasphemers", "Deniers" and all other manners of name calling without much in the way of real discussion.

I always did wonder how global warming could be proved by actual cooling?!? Sounds more like faith than facts.

Edited by Strictly Street
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Correct, sunspots are believed to have a large effect on Earth's weather and temperature. Even more interesting, the Sun does not sit in one spot, but moves around as it's pulled by everything that revolves around it, mostly planets. So when all the planets lined up, it got pulled way over to one side. But it goes back to where it belongs in the middle. So we might get a little hotter or colder as it wobbles around. I can't remember any research into that, but I'm guessing it isn't something that would effect the Earth like the sunspots and solar wind does.

Sunspots effect the solar wind, which effects the Earth's Van Allen Belt, which blocks cosmic rays, which create clouds when they hit water in our atmosphere, which then blocks the sun from getting to the ground and warming the Earth. And vice versa, cooling the Earth. That's the current understanding, and there's not much we can do about it. Other than be thankful that we a stable sun without too many or too little sunspots.

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Correct that global warming and cooling has been a scare since people were invented. Many of the same scientists that are on this global warming kick, were warning about global cooling (a coming ice age) for decades. It never happened, it got warmer instead, so they gave up and started warning about global warming. I suppose now that it looks like it's cooling again, they will flip-flop yet again...

It is not yet possible to predict warming and cooling. It is possible to predict sunspot activity, since it follows several cycles that have been true since observations began. That allows some prediction of trends, but it's not the only factor, and sun spots or anything else could change all of the above.

One favorite of mine, based on almost no facts what so ever, is that as the Earth warms, it expands, and creates more earthquakes and volcanoes. These pump smoke and carbon into the sky, and block the sunlight, which lowers temperatures, and stops the volcanoes. And the cycle starts over again.

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Why not just take one boot off and shake your d!c at it seems to work with my problems. If that doesn't work spit on it and call it a horrible name. Repeat as needed. 72deg and sunny all the time that way.

Problem is that someone else needs rain or its too hot for them. doing the same thing. Mother nature doesn't know what to do.

Now go get your tin foil hats.

Pfft who needs science.

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Leading climate scientist challenges Mail on Sunday's use of his research

Mojib Latif denies his research supports theory that current cold weather undermines scientific consensus on global warming


A leading scientist has hit out at misleading newspaper reports that linked his research to claims that the current cold weather undermines the scientific case for manmade global warming.

Mojib Latif, a climate expert at the Leibniz Institute at Kiel University in Germany, said he "cannot understand" reports that used his research to question the scientific consensus on climate change.

He told the Guardian: "It comes as a surprise to me that people would try to use my statements to try to dispute the nature of global warming. I believe in manmade global warming. I have said that if my name was not Mojib Latif it would be global warming."

He added: "There is no doubt within the scientific community that we are affecting the climate, that the climate is changing and responding to our emissions of greenhouse gases."

A report in the Mail on Sunday said that Latif's results "challenge some of the global warming orthodoxy's most deeply cherished beliefs" and "undermine the standard climate computer models". Monday's Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph repeated the claims.

The reports attempted to link the Arctic weather that has enveloped the UK with research published by Latif's team in the journal Nature in 2008. The research said that natural fluctuations in ocean temperature could have a bigger impact on global temperature than expected. In particular, the study concluded that cooling in the oceans could offset global warming, with the average temperature over the decades 2000-2010 and 2005-2015 predicted to be no higher than the average for 1994-2004. Despite clarifications from the scientists at the time, who stressed that the research did not challenge the predicted long-term warming trend, the study was widely misreported as signalling a switch from global warming to global cooling.

The Mail on Sunday article said that Latif's research showed that the current cold weather heralds such "a global trend towards cooler weather".

It said: "The BBC assured viewers that the big chill was was merely short-term 'weather' that had nothing to do with 'climate', which was still warming. The work of Prof Latif and the other scientists refutes that view."

Not according to Latif. "They are not related at all," he said. "What we are experiencing now is a weather phenomenon, while we talked about the mean temperature over the next 10 years. You can't compare the two."

He said the ocean temperature effect was similar to other natural influences on global temperature, such as volcanos, which cool the planet temporarily as ash spewed into the atmosphere reflects sunlight.

"The natural variation occurs side by side with the manmade warming. Sometimes it has a cooling effect and can offset this warming and other times it can accelerate it." Other scientists have questioned the strength of the ocean effect on overall temperature and disagree that global warming will show the predicted pause.

Latif said his research suggested that up to half the warming seen over the 20th century was down to this natural ocean effect, but said that was consistent with the 2007 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. "No climate specialist would ever say that 100% of the warming we have seen is down to greenhouse gas emissions."

The recent articles are not the first to misrepresent his research, Latif said. "There are numerous newspapers, radio stations and television channels all trying to get our attention. Some overstate and some want to downplay the problem as a way to get that attention," he said. "We are trying to discuss in the media a highly complex issue. Nobody would discuss the problem of [Einstein's theory of] relativity in the media. But because we all experience the weather, we all believe that we can assess the global warming problem."

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And the latest theory is.......

Norway Time Hole “Leak” Plunges Northern Hemisphere Into Chaos.

Russian scientists are reporting to Prime Minister Putin today that the high-energy beam fired into the upper heavens from the United States High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) radar facility in Ramfjordmoen, Norway this past month has resulted in a “catastrophic puncturing” of our Plant’s thermosphere thus allowing into the troposphere an “unimpeded thermal inversion” of the exosphere, which is the outermost layer of Earth’s atmosphere.

To the West’s firing of this ‘quantum’ high-energy beam we had previously reported on in our December 10, 2009 report titled “Attack On Gods ‘Heaven’ Lights Up Norwegian Sky”.

To how catastrophic for our Planet this massive thermal inversion has been Anthony Nunan, an assistant general manager for risk management at Mitsubishi Corporation in Tokyo, is reporting today that the entire Northern Hemisphere is in winter chaos, with the greatest danger from this unprecedented Global event being the destruction of billions of dollars worth of crops in a World already nearing the end of its ability to feed its self.

So powerful has this thermal inversion become that reports from the United States are stating that their critical crops of strawberries, oranges, and other fruits and vegetables grown in their Southern States, are being destroyed by record cold temperatures. The US is further reporting record amounts of snowfall in what they are now warning may be their worst winter in 25 years.

More Here... http://www.daily.pk/norway-time-hole-%E2%80%9Cleak%E2%80%9D-plunges-northern-hemisphere-into-chaos-14311/

You just can't make this stuff up! :lol:

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Why not just take one boot off and shake your d!c at it seems to work with my problems. ... 72deg and sunny all the time that way.

...Now go get your tin foil hats...

Now we know where global warming actually came from...

Google lists 52,600 hits on "how to make a tin foil hat".

decisions, decisions... so many choices.

But seriously, tin foil hats are for stopping abductions by pesky alien jokers, and the occasional guberment thought control experiment.

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well, if we all wear tin foil hats, there will be more reflection of the sun, and global warming will not be a bother anymore...right?;)

and y'all better show some respect for al gore, he invented the whole internet, so how dare we use it to talk smack about his genious:rolleyes:

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If Al Gore's private jet crashed into a mountain range today I'd prolly do a little dance' date=' make a little love.. and pretty much just "get down" tonight.[/quote']

Then the interwebs wouldn't work anymore and Casper would not like you very much. :(

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Climate researchers have discovered that NASA researchers improperly manipulated data in order to claim 2005 as "THE WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD." KUSI-TV meteorologist, Weather Channel founder, and iconic weatherman John Coleman will present these findings in a one-hour special airing on KUSI-TV on Jan.14 at 9 p.m. A related report will be made available on the Internet at 6 p.m. EST on January 14th at www.kusi.com.

In a new report, computer expert E. Michael Smith and Certified Consulting Meteorologist Joseph D'Aleo discovered extensive manipulation of the temperature data by the U.S. Government's two primary climate centers: the National Climate Data Center (NCDC) in Ashville, North Carolina and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) at Columbia University in New York City. Smith and D'Aleo accuse these centers of manipulating temperature data to give the appearance of warmer temperatures than actually occurred by trimming the number and location of weather observation stations. The report is available online at http://icecap.us/images/uploads/NOAAroleinclimategate.pdf.

The report reveals that there were no actual temperatures left in the computer database when NASA/NCDC proclaimed 2005 as "THE WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD." The NCDC deleted actual temperatures at thousands of locations throughout the world as it changed to a system of global grid points, each of which is determined by averaging the temperatures of two or more adjacent weather observation stations. So the NCDC grid map contains only averaged, not real temperatures, giving rise to significant doubt that the result is a valid representation of Earth temperatures.

- So now its all she said, he said over the data that isn't there anymore.

More info here...


And on a related note,

No more cheeseburgers due to cow farts!

A national beef group is invoking the so-called "Climategate" controversy as it challenges a recent U.S. government ruling on climate change.

The National Cattlemen's Beef Association has filed a petition to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. to overturn the EPA's recent greenhouse gas "endangerment" ruling.

The ruling states that gases believed to cause global warming pose a human health risk and is the first step toward their regulation by the EPA under the Clean Air Act. The NCBA and other producer groups fear the ruling could lead to lawsuits and new restrictions on the nation's livestock industries.

More of this insanity here.....


- I still say it's religion, not science.

- Hence the only legal way for the Govt to get us onto their religion is tax us into believing. :(

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well... wikipedia says 10-30% of a fart is made up of CO2, and CO2's absorption band does correspond with the peak emissivity of the earth.... sooo.... :p

Its so hard to find legit info on the interwebz. I'm searching to see how much we actually contribute to the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and how long it takes for those gases to dissipate once they've gotten there...

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This just in...

It's suddenly been discovered that green plants absorb huge quantities of CO2.

Due to the excess CO2 in the atmosphere, the researchers now believe that the green plants are not doing their job.

Unable to regulate or administrate, the overwhelmingly vast amount of green plants,

the government, supported by quasi science, is prepared to destroy all green plants for not doing their job...

Moral of the story: If you let most people "shoot themselves in the foot", they will try to do that.

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well... wikipedia says 10-30% of a fart is made up of CO2, and CO2's absorption band does correspond with the peak emissivity of the earth.... sooo.... :p

Its so hard to find legit info on the interwebz. I'm searching to see how much we actually contribute to the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and how long it takes for those gases to dissipate once they've gotten there...

There is no doubt that CO2 jumped at the start of the Industrial Age with coal and fossil fuels. But that's only about 4% of the total. 95% of the CO2 comes from the ocean and green plants. That 95% is the steady state (more or less), and if that other 4% were removed from the equation, the balance would be restored. In other words, fossil fuel emissions of CO2 would have to be removed from the atmosphere.

The ocean also absorbs 60% of the CO2, and green plants absorb the rest. Converting it to carbon compounds, and releasing oxygen.

Yeah, the ocean both absorbs and releases CO2. It's all about the oceans.

Two things I notice. If respiration by animals is 38% of the total CO2 emission sources, what effect does Human population growth have on the totals? Or domestic animals?

The other is that what if we over fish the oceans, would that cause an increase in plankton from lack of fish to eat it. Then would plankton go out of control, turn the oceans green, and remove a large portion the CO2 from the atmosphere? Never mind that a large percentage of the human population would die off from lack of food from the ocean.

So I guess what I'm saying, is that the carbon dioxide problem is probably self correcting from the damage Humans are doing to the oceans.

Of course that ignores the real problem, which is running out of food and fresh water, somewhere in the future.

edit: That problem is also self correcting, there would suddenly be less people and animals.

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This just in...

It's suddenly been discovered that green plants absorb huge quantities of CO2.

Due to the excess CO2 in the atmosphere, the researchers now believe that the green plants are not doing their job.

Unable to tax, regulate by taxation or administrate by taxation and bureaucracy , the overwhelmingly vast amount of green plants,

the government, supported by quasi science, is prepared to destroy all green plants for not doing their job...

Moral of the story: If you let most people "shoot themselves in the foot", they will try to do that.



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