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Gotta Slam on Walmart a little


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History - Got an online gift certificate to Walmart.com for christmas and decided to use it.

One of the items came in (70# heavy bag and glove set YES!) today, no hate it was only about a week. So I print out the voucher and take it to the inconveniently locate site to store desk, no problem, I'm so pumped I could have walked diagonally through the store.

So I get to the desk and see nobody there... after a few minutes go by I notice a sign that says to touch the cc pad to get help.... I touch the pad...minutes go by and theres a page for assistance at the site to store counter...minutes go by and the pad resets itself so I touch it again...it resets so I touch it again...same thing...same thing... a CSR from another dept walks by and I ask for help so she calls the front desk, tells me she heard someone on the walky talky asking for help so I'll have help soon...minutes go by so I touch the pad...it resets so I touch the pad again... A CSR from a nearby dept comes and asks if I've been helped and proceeds to help.

I might as well been at the BMV, at least at the BMV I get a number and there's a counter where you can stare and hope to get help the same day.

Now I'm home and I know this is one of the best Christmas presents yet.

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