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Groveport Police with an R1?

DTM Brian

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The police have a term for motorcyclists that run from the police....organ donors.

Granted most people that do run have no clue how to ride, are most likely drunk, probably wearing cheap sunglasses, flip-flops, shorts and a dew rag (I watch a lot of COPS so I know...lol)

true. and the ones that do run that DON'T fit the above description USUALLY get away.

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In my younger stupider days I blew past a radar cop at 160+. I saw him just as I passed where he was sitting in the median. Immediately I got on the binders and pulled to the shoulder and waited for him to show up. He lowered the speed down to 128 or what ever the maximum was without mandatory arrest. Very cool cop and I know it would have turned out much worse had I run and got caught. As it was I paid the fine and never heard another word about it.

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In my younger stupider days I blew past a radar cop at 160+. I saw him just as I passed where he was sitting in the median. Immediately I got on the binders and pulled to the shoulder and waited for him to show up. He lowered the speed down to 128 or what ever the maximum was without mandatory arrest. Very cool cop and I know it would have turned out much worse had I run and got caught. As it was I paid the fine and never heard another word about it.

A police cruiser will top out at about 140. It will take him at least a minute or two to get up to that speed. You would still be going at least 20mph faster than his top speed. By the time he gets his 4300lb car wound out you should be at least 2.7 miles from him. Take the SECOND exit you see, NEVER the first one and you will be fine. It's only illeagal if you get caught :D

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