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iPhone OS 4.0


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For example, I was looking up an old Motorcycle review today. Tried to abort a script aaaand comp was dead. Hard Reset. This happens almost daily. Ok /rant
Their commercials annoy the shit out of me because I get tired of hearing them bash pc's for flaws that really don't exist anymore. As far as the new iPhone os...I won't get excited until they can jailbreak it.


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I understand that policy....I don't like it, but from a support standpoint I understand it.

I don't use IE. It's usually FireFox for me.

But yeah...corporate America is stuck on MS like it was crack.

I've derived a good amount of my income from the support and configuration of lovely MS products. Now I'm movin' on up to San Jose and that dee-luxe Cisco apartment in the sky.

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Yes, really. What do they criticize pc's for?

1)Viruses - 90% of the time, if you get a virus on your pc, it's because you're doing something stupid (downloading torrents, pirated software, etc)

2)PC's are only for business and you can't do anything fun on them - completely ridiculous, there are just as many games for pc as there are for Mac and as far as things like video or photo editing I would imagine the same holds true. And secondly, is it really a bad thing that 95% of businesses use pc's and use the same programs in order to share data in a common file format?

3)Ease of use - if you think that using a pc is too complicated then you are either a moron or a senior citizen.

Granted all of this is from a usability standpoint, networking may be another issue, but I don't know much about it so I won't comment.

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PC.. Watch Porn.. Get Virus.. :(

Mac.. Watch Porn.. Watch MOAR Porn.. Watch MOAR and MOAR porn.. :)

Any questions? :cool:

So to prove a point I ran my latest install of Vista without AV or anything for over two years. Just this past weekend I installed AV and ran malware tools and miracles of all miracles.....nada, nothing, not a single damn thing.

Of course that not saying Windows isn't more prone to them since it's definitely a popular target, but there's a reason though Apple recommends AV for Macs also. Every system is potentially vulnerable.

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The iPhone is a tool. And for those who have and like it, itsthe right tool for you. If it functions for you and makes things easier, great. If you need entertained while you're dropping the kids off at the pool, I've found nothing to compete with the iPhone. It keeps my ADD from acting up. Soft ware and companies is a functions preferance. If you don't like it or you don't function with it, get what works for you.

Looking forward to 4.0 free update. Thanks for the info Ben.

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The iPhone is a tool. And for those who have and like it, itsthe right tool for you. If it functions for you and makes things easier, great. If you need entertained while you're dropping the kids off at the pool, I've found nothing to compete with the iPhone. It keeps my ADD from acting up. Soft ware and companies is a functions preferance. If you don't like it or you don't function with it, get what works for you.

Looking forward to 4.0 free update. Thanks for the info Ben.


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